Friday, March 5, 2010

Bentley's Show and Tell

Bentley must have heard me talking about Show and Tell Friday over at Cindy's Romantic Home because he has decided to participate this week. Here is one of Bentley's favorite toys. We all call him "Mini Me" because he looks just like a miniature of Bentley. Bentley loves to squeeze Mini Me's tummy because when he does, Mini Me barks. Bentley particularly loves to do this while I am exercising on my pilates mat or if I am talking to someone on the telephone. Then I hear bark bark, bark bark, bark bark.

Thanks for sharing Bentley!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh, that Bentley is so lovable. I wish I could meet him in person. The little guy is cute too. My dogs would have it in shreds!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Susan! :-)


  2. oh, how adorable. I just adore the name Bentley- I think my yorkie would love one of them,but it is so cute to play with!! hehe


  3. Oh how cute is he?
    Thank you for sharing your mini me Bently!

  4. What a cutie Bently is! Lots cuter than MiniMe :)

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment!

    Kindly, ldh

  5. What a little darling Bently is!! Mini Me looks well loved!!

  6. When I bought Winnie some years ago..I really wanted a Yorkie. There was a tiny little one there that I fell in love with but didn't have enough cash..then Winnie bopped over to me...and won my heart. Winnie was a little Pom. I had her for a long time and then while I was gone to care for my daughter, she ate something, we never knew what and it killed her. I was broken hearted.
    Much later my husband and his family gifted me with Mele as a Christmas surprise..and I adore her. Still when I see a tiny heart stops for a moment..I can't help it.
    I would want no other little doggie but my Mele, but Bently is ...just what I dreamed of once.

    Lots of hugs! And one for Bently! (He would like Mele!)

  7. Oh my how I love Bentley, he's too cute, my son would love him, and Mini Me is great.

    Hugs RosieP x

  8. Bentley...this is AZ Bentley. I have a toy dog that sings I feel good. I love my toy too! When my mommy sings part of the song...I know she wants me to go get my toy....I am really smart. No really, my mommy tells me that all the time, so it MUST be true.

  9. I heart Bentley!

    Necel from the Old House in Texas

  10. Awww! He is a cute one. I use to tell my children when they were young - They never wanted to talk to me until I got on the phone or had company. :-)

  11. I LOVE this post. Lol! This made me chuckle and say awwwww!!! Bentley is SO adorable and so is his little mini me. Hehe!

    Have a wonderful weekend Susan and Bentley!

    Michelle and the kitties xoxo

  12. Bentley is too cute with his mini me!


  13. Awe, I am voting Bentley and his Mini Me best Show and Tell blog of the week. Too Sweet! Smiles to You! Bella

  14. So cute! Totally a mini Bentley. I thought it was a real puppy at first.

  15. Oh, how precious. Isn't he adorable. Give him a hug for me.

  16. Bentley takes good care of his toy. My pug would have it all soggy! xo,

  17. Bentley takes center stage here! What a cutie! Thanks for stopping by my hippie chick bedroom:)

  18. Oh my gosh, how cute is that?! And mini me truly does look like a miniature sweet!

    Kat :)

  19. Oh, I think I have had too many drinkies - I am seeing double !

  20. Bentley is adorable. Where ever did you find such a cute toy? My Maggie and Sophie would love Mini Me. We have a small dog store here called Wet Nose...I'll have to look into finding this for them. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Where did you find such a cute toy? My dogs would love that!

  22. Now this is just too doggone cute! Love the mini me!

  23. Bentley is so cute! How adorable! Thank you so much for popping by the other day.. take care, Maryann

  24. I enjoyed looking through your blog. Tell Bentley that Rocky said hello-woof. I'm going to go visit your cottage blog now.

  25. Oh my gosh, where did you find that great toy?!

  26. Bentley is soooo cute! We had a Yorkie too but gave her to the kids Aunt when we moved to Colorado...we were afraid our little lady might get snatched up by a bear or mountain lion. Luckily we still get to see her all the time now that we're back in OK. They're just the cutest dogs!


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