Friday, March 26, 2010

Grandmother's Cat

This is a portrait of my Grandmother when she was a young girl. My Grandmother had a great sense of humor and loved to tell stories. She told us lots of stories about all the pets she had when she was growing up. She also told us stories about all of the dogs my Dad had when he was young. One of her favorite stories was of the cat she saw in the window of the May Company in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

Every Wednesday afternoon, Grandmother would go to lunch and a movie with her her sister-in-law. They would get all dressed up and wear their hats and gloves and go downtown for the afternoon. One afternoon on their way to one of their favorite restaurants, they were walking by the May Company. This was back when Cleveland was a thriving city and the May Company was one of the big department stores downtown. It was just down the street from where the movie "The Christmas Story" filmed the famous shots of Ralphie looking through the Higbee's Department Store window and later visiting Santa there too. In a display window at the May Company was this china cat. Well, Grandmother instantly fell in love with it and went inside to buy it. The sales clerk carefully wrapped her cat in layers of tissue paper and put it in a box. She then put the box in a large bag with a handle for Grandmother to transport safely home.

When Grandmother came home she placed the cat on the hearth by the fireplace and that's where it stayed for years and years. When I was a little girl I never tired of hearing the story of how Grandmother found her cat.

Grandmother is gone now. She lived a long and happy life and told us all many great stories. Her cat lives in my cottage now, underneath the portrait of Grandmother as a young girl. I hope that she approves. Thank you for visiting me today and hearing a story about my dear Grandmother. Lot's of other bloggers have their own stories to tell for this Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's Romantic Home. Bet sure to stop by and visit them as well.

Have a Great Weekend!!
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a wonderful story! I love to ear things like that about our grandparents. I bet your gradmother was one fun lady!

  2. Hi Susan, this is such a cute story about your grandmother and her cat..I need to tape record stories that my mom tells us, because one day I will not remember them after she is gone. My mom is 88 years young and has more energy than I do.
    Have a good day. Hugs, Baba

  3. What a lovely family story. Yes, I do indeed think she would wholeheartedly approve.

  4. What a wonderful, wonderful story Susan! Oh I remember May Company all too well! I think I'm dating myself. LOL! The cat is so precious. :)

  5. I love this story! I have so few memories of my grandparents, so I love to hear others tell their stories. Wouldn't it be great to live back in the day when they wore hats and gloves to lunch?

    The kitty statue is so cute. What a treasure indeed. Thanks so much for sharing your story!

    Have a happy weekend! :-)


  6. What a lovely story!!! What a lovely treasure the cat is too!!!

  7. What a nice story. The cat is so pretty - thanks for sharing with us.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. What a beautiful the cat. What a nice memory you have of your grandmother.

  9. Hi Susan
    So nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! It is so nice to make new friends!

    I just love the front porch on your header. I love old country homes. Your blog is lovely and so creative ! I think we have alot in common.

    Love the cat story and statue. I just love cats.

    Have a wonderful weekend

  10. Hi Susan and Bentley, thanks for stopping by my place. Love your sweet story today thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend! ~Marcy

  11. Such a sweet story- makes your little kitty even more special!

  12. I had wonderful visuals as I was reading as if I were there!! I Love that Great story! Rhonda

  13. thats a lovely story and how lucky to have a portrait (and cat) of your grandmothers to cherish!

  14. Susan,
    Thanks for you wonderful story about our Grandma. I had a very special Grandmother, too, so these touch my heart. Thanks again. Love the little cat :)

  15. Susan - that is a lovely story about your grandmother. And how perfect it is that you have the cat now. I love hearing about cherished possessions being passed down in the family.


  16. I think I have actually heard of this company. We have been to Cleveland a few times and I think I read about it when we were there. How lucky you are to have all these lovely stories-thank you for sharing them.

    Best wishes,

  17. That's a great story! I love the cat, how precious that it is yours. I wish I had more of my grandmother's things.

    I am late in replying to comments left on my blog a few weeks past as I was outta town. I am so glad I finally stumbled onto your blog this weekend. It's lovely. I am now a follower. Thanks so much for stopping by.

    -brightest blessings-

  18. Stories about our anscestors are so priceless arent' they?! Thanks for sharing one of yours!

  19. I love the portrait of your grandmother and the wonderful story about her beautiful china cat. I'm sure she does approve of the way you cherish both of these lovely sentimental items!

    Kat :)

  20. Such a sweet little cat....I loved hearing the story of how it was acquired! I'm sure she is thrilled that you cherish her little kitty cat as much as she did :o) Thanks for sharing!!!!

  21. What a sweet story and I love the kitty. I was blessed with a grandmother that told lots of stories too....she was the most special thing in my life! Lovely blog....LaurieAnna


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