Friday, March 12, 2010

A Vintage Train Case

Imagine you live in another era when trains took us on long, slow and elegant trips to exotic places. A time when there were porters to load your lovely leather suitcases and trunks into your private compartment. You are beautifully dressed in a ravishing silk dress and wearing a few of your diamonds. You are teetering on your stilettos, the steam of the engine creating a smokey backdrop, while you are a vision carrying a train case covered with tags of various ports of call and hotels around Europe. You have your little dog tucked safely under your arm too. A little dog like Bentley perhaps?

When you arrive in your private compartment you open your train case to prepare yourself for an elegant entrance into the lounge for cocktails with a sophisticated gentleman and some friends.

You carry all of the "essentials" in your case. Silk lingerie, French perfume, diamonds and pearls of course!

What do you say girls, are you ready for an adventure? Then meet me at Cindy's "My Romantic Home" where we will all have fun participating in her weekly "Show and Tell Friday"!

Ta Ta,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds divine darling, let's do it.

    Hugs RosieP x

  2. I love this, and the adventure! ~Marcy

  3. I can hear the train whistle in the distance!

  4. Oh! Wouldn't that be fun! We want to do the train trip across Canada some day. Probably won't be packing the diamonds and pearls though. LOL

  5. Wow! I would love to go on that trip! ERm does the eurostar from euston count?

  6. Very sweet, I'm ready to go. After painting all those kitchen cabinets you saw on my blog earlier, I need a vacation! :) I'm glad you liked them and so very glad you stopped by! It really was a monumental task, but it sure was worth it!
    blessings to you!

  7. Hi from Post Falls, Idaho...

    I'm ready. And I have a choice of 4 or 5 vintage train cases that I use for storage on my bookshelves that would love to go along.

    Boise is a lovely city...

    And Bentley - words do not describe how cute he is. My little Elle just died about 2 months ago. Six weeks after she died our older dog died also. We miss them both terribly.

    I thought about replacing my avatar but I like looking at Elle. She was such a cutie.

    You need a summer trip to North Idaho 'cause I need help re-doing my office. It stinks!

  8. ...and I have the perfect new friend for you - Katie Alender. She just published her first book (young adult mystery) and has recently finished her sequel which is soon to be published. Annnnnd - she quilts (beautifully) annnnnd I suspect you two may be close to the same age.

    She made both of my doggies little quilts that have been re-gifted to the kitties, Angela and Erica

  9. Wouldn't it have been simply lovely to travel in such style and elegance?!

    Kat :)

  10. What fun! I can picture it perfect!
    Wendy :)

  11. Don't know so much about those stilettos, but, the rest sounds Just GRAND!! Rhonda

  12. Ah-hh...thanks, I am always ready for such an adventure.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment.
    Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage

  13. Hi Susan and Bentley! How much fun! It reminds me of one that my mom had! Happy weekend...Debbie

  14. Sounds adventurous. I wouldn't mind jumping on a train and taking off for new places to visit.

  15. That was a lovely adventure.....thanks for taking us along!!!

  16. I love everything about this post! Am such a big fan of Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot. You have brought me right there, lovely...

    and toto NO Bentley too!!


  17. Such a lovely train case display! I have several of these and I am inspired to do something special with them!

  18. I am ready for a trip! Bentley always make me smile :-) Bella

  19. Well, how exotic-sounding is that! I've never been on a train. Guess I've led a sheltered life. I love the imagery! (I can see you're having lots of fun now with this blogging thing!)

  20. Oh how beautifully romantic! I've always wanted to travel on a train like in the old days where they had cubby beds with curtains and the dining cars and all. Or the train compartments. Thanks for the lovely photos. xo,

  21. Oh Susan, those were the days. Things were so different weren't they? I loved your post. It was so sweet & you staged it so romanticly! Bentley is ADORABLE! So he is your third Yorkie? How old is he? Thank you for your sweet comment on my painting of my sweet Reba. I think Violet did an amazing job painting it. I can't wait until it is my hot little hands! You said you are writing a book? What sort of book? Good luck with that. Come back & visit soon & give Bentley a big hug & kiss BECAUSE YOU CAN! Lucy you (& Bentley) Charlene

  22. What a lovely picture! I was just looking at one of these at a consignment shop yesterday. Such a romantic way to travel then - no 3 oz. or smaller in ziploc bags. Makes me nostalgic......

  23. That is so pretty! I've been wanting to take a train trip. I think that would be so relaxing!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.