Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Red Plate Special

It's Rednesday again!! Sue over at It's a Very Cherry World is opening up her Rednesday Diner and I am joining up with her to show you my "Red Plate Special". The Red Plate Special for today is a red ripe and delicious tomato sandwich served on lightly toasted white bread. Now don't go expecting the crusts cut off like at those fancy places. At the Rednesday Diner we believe in fiber, and yep, those crusts have fiber all right!! And you get a nice cold glass of milk with that sandwich, and no substitutions.

We use only nice ripe, juicy tomatoes. Mmmm, mmm, now don't they look tasty?

And we slather on some good old mayo. We don't serve any of the fancy gourmet stuff at the Rednesday Diner. Now how about a cookie with that glass of milk?

Thanks for stopping by and trying our Red Plate Special! You all come back now you hear??

Susan and Bentley


  1. Hmmm...I haven't had a tomato sandwich in a few years. I know what I'll be eating for lunch tomorrow!
    I love that little apple glass and that napkin with the fruits...to cute!
    The Tattered Tassel

  2. Mmmm! Ripe juicy tomatoes with mayo. Can anything be better. I've got to go its midnight and my post is not up yet.


  3. Oh so cute! That is a mighty cute little baby plaid plate. Such a tasty little post!

  4. Yes please!!! Looks gorgeous!!! Yum!!

  5. Oooh, I'm so ready for a ripe tomato sandwich! One of the best parts of summer!

  6. I love that first plate. How beautiful. Thanks for the lunch,,lol. Yum yum. I always enjoy my time with you..Now I need to use your beautiful red phone to call hubby to come pick me up.lol

  7. Susan,
    A good old fashioned sandwich. Love it! As a kid, we always had the standard balogna and cheese with Miracle Whip on white bread! Yum. I haven't had one of those for years :(
    Hi Bentley

  8. I LOVE tomato sandwiches! After all, I live not far from Pittston, Pa, which is the self proclaimed Tomato Capital of the World and they even have a tomato festival in August! LOL!

  9. That tomato sandwich (with the crust) looks mighty good! We need that crust. I'm not the fancy type that wants the crust cut off. That's part of bread!

  10. This is such a cool post! Yes, let's stick with good old cholesterol and fat filled food! Cute set-up!

  11. That sandwich looks delicious! My husband will NOT eat a tomato sandwich! He will eat a sandwich with meat and a slice of tomato (has to a thin slice). I slice my thick! And especially if the tomato is fresh and homegrown! Yum!

  12. I'd love to sit down and eat that lunch on such a cute place setting. Tomatoes-yum! Love the pic's in your side bar too.

  13. Can I have extra mayo on mine? It looks yummy, all served up on a pretty red plate, with that gorgeous napkin. If I pull off the crusts, will Bentley eat them?!
    Happy REDnesday!

  14. I lurrrve tomatoe sandwiches! Especially about July when the hubby brings the tomatoes in from his garden.... oh my! Cute post ;)

  15. Mmmm, that sounds good. Darn it! We're out of tomatoes. Cute glass, napkin, and basket tray you're serving on ;) Happy REDs~

  16. YUMMY!! This looks so good right now! My mom used to always make these!! Perfect Rednesday post!!

  17. sounds and looks delish! save a red plate for me. never had a tomatoe sandwich - gotta try it!


  18. What a cute tie-in with Sue's post! I'd love to find some round tole trays like that one.

    Noticed your cute photo of you and your husband on the sidebar. Our 21st anniversary is tomorrow. Got a special post already for it.

    Apparently I do have too many totes. I lost my camera's battery charger around Christmas. The day I was going to give up and buy a new one it fell out of a Christmas tote I was putting away with the other decor in the attic. I got lucky!Hugs,

  19. Yum, you made me hungry! :-) Love the plates!


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