Thursday, April 15, 2010

True Confession

I confess, I love china. China plates, china figurines, and more. I am a "chinaholic". I already have a fairly extensive collection of blue and white china, but alas, my addiction does not end there. If I am at an antique shop or a thrift store and I see something that calls out to me, I am hooked. Like this little blue bird. One look and I knew it was coming home with me. So today, for Cindy's Show and Tell Friday at
My Romantic Home, I am making my confession. I am a "chinaholic".

Now look at this darling plate. It's so sweet, how was I supposed to resist it??

Okay, this one is not my fault. My Mom saw it and decided I needed it.

Oh dear, another one just had to come home with me!!

These came from my dear Grandmother, so I'm in the clear!

This came with the little set from Grandma. Dear Grandma, I hope you know how much I love these!!!

This Bavarian bowl came from a garage sale held by a neighbor of my Mom's, so technically it's not my fault completely because you know how when you go to a friend's garage sale you feel "obligated" to buy something ....

Okay now, this platter is my fault. We were up at my Mother-in-Law's place at the lake and I just happened to see this sweet platter. It really is perfect for serving meat loaf dear ...

Now this was a gift from my dear husband's Great Aunt Laura. I can't possibly be responsible for this sweet little pitcher which I love so dearly.

So there you have it, my complete confession. Well, maybe not complete. There may be just a few more items ... but that's for another Show and Tell Friday. Don't forget to stop and see Cindy. I am very sure she will have something wonderful!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. They are all so pretty! What a beautiful wild rose pitcher! I really love the pieces with the violet on them too. I think I love old china the same way you do. Wish I had more room to store it and i'd have more of it.

  2. Susan,
    Thanks for sharing your treasured china pieces. I love them all!
    Hi Bentley :)

  3. For me, you saved the best for last...I love, love, LOVE that pitcher.

    My New Doll -my Show n Tell. I would really enjoy your company if you can drop by to visit me. Hope you're having a terrific Friday!!!

  4. They are all so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, you have lot's of pretties! I can see why it was hard to resist! Thanks for your nice comments, I really appreciate the well wishes.

  6. Hello, my name is Susan, and I am a dishaholic....
    Yeah, that's how it goes for us addicted ones! I too have a china/dish/plate/pitcher/anything-made-of-porcelain fixation.
    My post today is about bird plates I bought this weekend. Do I need them? Umm... depends on how you define "need!"
    Lovely post! Gorgeous plates -- and remember, it is NEVER your fault! :-)

  7. What fabulous china!! I love it!! But my favourite piece is the oval platter!!!

  8. Hi Susan, Thank you for stopping by today. I am glad you liked the girls and the garden furniture. I know the girs would love to run all over the garden to play with Bentley. You also have a great collection of vintage china. Have a great weekend. Oh yes we are also a new follower of yours. Have a great weekend.

  9. Susan, you have some lovely china pieces. I would have brought that darling bird home, too. I love that first plate, it has all my colors on it. Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me again even though we do already know each other here in blog land. Have a wonderful weekend. It is HOT here today and I am working in the yard.

  10. Such lovely china, especially the sweet little birdie!

  11. Boy Susan everyday I'm seeing we are more and more alike! I As well am addicted to china so much that when we moved in December I had so much china we had to let our washer and dryer go! My husband yelled "do you realise you have 28 boxes of china?" What can I say I love china too!!
    Thanks for the awesome advice about painting my pieces. I'm not going to paint the bed but I lOVE the suggestion about painting my sons night table blue or red! I was looking at the picture of it and thought it was looking worn. Great idea he will love that!!
    Have a great weekend
    Love Pamela xo

  12. I love these fetching treasures! Many of my plates are ending up out in the garden.

  13. Hi Susan,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment AND becoming a follower! I'm so glad to meet you and I love your blog. We certainly have the same taste - all of your china pieces are just beautiful and I love RED too. My Mom and Dad (both have passed) had a Yorkie just like your adorable Bentley. They named their Yorkie "Lil'Bit" and she was just the sweetie doggie and smart too. I can't believe you have visited our area since you live in Boise Idaho. My hubby used to tease me about moving to Idaho (he loves the WEST and mountains) - to this day I still have never been there. I'm looking forward to visiting your past posts. Have a very wonderful day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  14. Hee hee! I completely share your addiction. So much so that I was green with envy looking at all your lovely things :)

  15. you have a great collection of rare china and a lovely cozy home. thanks for stopping by and enjoyed reading your blog and will be coming back soon. have a great weekend! maryann

  16. Oh I am a chinaholic too! I just found a few small pieces today when we were out and about!
    You have some beautiful plates - I love the little bird figurine in the tree too.

  17. Oh dear Susan, I remember other china posts on your blog, so maybe you give us some clues! ;) I'm imagining all these lovely china on your wall...maybe in the kitchen...beautiful!!!!
    Have a fantastic Sunday!

  18. Such lovelies!!! I, like you, used to be a chinaholic (: Then I started simplifying and decided my small kitchen didn't have the room for all the goodies except for my Grandmother's set. But I have to say, after seeing this post, I'm longing for some chocolate transferware (: Oh, oh!! I feel an antique shopping spree coming on (:


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.