Sunday, April 11, 2010

Walkies Please!!

Bentley can't you let Mommy sleep a bit longer?? You want to go walkies? But it's so early ...

Please Mom, please!! I hear the chickens next door and I think there is a cat in our yard. It's really important!! I'm such a good boy. Remember when you made me wear those Mardi Gras beads a couple of months ago? I posed pretty for a picture, remember??

Thanks Mom! Okay I'm ready to take a nap on my quilt now.

Now that I am wide awake, Bentley is curled up in his quilt. I guess the only thing to do is to make some coffee.

That's better. Maybe I'll make some pimento cheese for sandwiches for David later while he watches The Masters golf tournament.

Pimento Cheese
4 oz grated sharp cheddar cheese
1.5 oz pimento, drained and chopped finely
2 t mayo
1/2 t Tabasco
S & P to taste
4 slices white bread
(you can add thinly sliced Vidalia onions if you like)

Spread cheese on bread, cut off crusts, cut on diagonal

Best served with an "Arnie Palmer"
1/2 iced tea and 1/2 lemonade

While David is watching The Masters all day, I'll be fluffing the house and maybe the porch too, if it doesn't rain again. Have a great Sunday!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I love your pictures! Bentley is the best, but let mommy sleep! He is adorable. Krumpet did not let me sleep either-
    the best...

  2. Umm - coffee sounds good right now. Love the little scotty dog hanging on the leash hook. Bentley is such a good sport.

    I still am lovin' your little phone corner. So cute!

  3. Lovely photos!! Like the sound of the pimento cheese too!!!

  4. oh you are so welcome Sue. I wish you and Bentley could really visit. thank you for your kind words, are we not lucky!

  5. What delightful photos! ...and now I want to go make your sandwiches! College Daughter's beverage of choice has always been an Arnold Palmer! She usually talks the attendent at the Chick-fil-a drive-thru into mixing one for her. yum.yum. Thanks so very much for your sweet comment on my mini cupcake pincushions. I really appreciate it! See you later...

  6. Awww, Bentley, you know how to get your walk, don't you??? Cocoa and Theo know that way with their Daddy, too!
    I love your coffee maker. What kind is it? I am in the market for a new one.

  7. So true! My dogs get me up, go outside, take care of business and go back to sleep! And there I am with my coffee.


  8. Bentley is just the cutest! My aunt would love him, she has a dog like Bentley, only hers is bebe. We always say that bebe is too little to capitalize her name! :)Thank you for stopping by Yoga Gal this week. :D

  9. Your little Bentley is such a cutie! He looks so much like my little Bonnie it's not funny. Brings back so many memories of my girl, thanks for the gorgeous pics. K xx

  10. I am so spoiled by having a doggie door and letting my dogs walk themselves into the fenced in yard. But they still enjoy a real walk every once in a while, I think its the extra attention that it means.


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