Monday, May 24, 2010

Old Desk Tops

I am at my desk, day dreaming of a time when life was not so hectic. When important letters or themes for school were pecked out on the old Smith Corona typewriter. When ribbons had to be changed and there was no spell check. Ticonderoga #2 pencils filled a pencil holder.

There were old rotary phones and people actually sat down and wrote letters. And when it was quiet you could hear the soft tick tock of the old Westclox Baby Ben.

What are you day dreaming about this Table Top Tuesday? I know that Marty over at A Stroll Thru Life is day dreaming about the beach. Be sure to stop by and see what she won!! Until next time may all of your dreams be happy ones!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh how absolutely fun and vintage! I wish I had kept our old Smith Corona. I had to purchase an old typewriter last year from an antique store! And I had a Baby Ben in high school- had to wake up somehow....
    Thanks for bringing back memories.
    :-) Sue

  2. I love old desks and tables but I usually will redo them with a shabby coat of paint, sweetpea. Beautiful though.

  3. What a charming vignette! Like most everybody else, I suppose, I wish I had kept my old typewriter. Hindsight is 20-20!


  4. Susan,
    I LOVE this display. I too, I think, was born too late, but nevertheless blessed to be born into this wonderful country, when I was. I love that old typewriter.
    xo to you and Bentley.

  5. I'm with you...the hustle and bustle of today drowns out the quiet meditation of tasks from long ago. I'm dreaming of a wrap around front porch with a swing and comfy chairs that overlooks a peaceful meadow and summer activities of homemade ice cream, berry picking and midnight picnics...


  6. Dear Susan and Bently, GOOD MORNING! :) I love this post. It made my mind wander back in time..remembering the party line and how excited we got when there were only THREE of us on it!
    Luxury! I love this post! We've come a long way!
    I just noticed that we have the same red phone. :) I love that phone but it isn't the most comfortable to tuck under ones chin. :)

    I also want to thank you for your dear sweet comment on my Danny. Thank you SO much! Transplanted kidney's don't last forever...his time with us is precious!
    Hugs to you both!

  7. I adore vintage so you had my attention! I would love an old typewriter, I always have my eyes open for it. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your nice comment:) Nice to see you. Debbie

  8. I had an old typewriter when I was little - I'm not sure where it went... I read you post and shot an email to my mom to see if she still has it for me... my guess is she does and I can have it back! Yay! Loved the shutters yesterday!

    Happy Day, The lady

  9. Hi Susan! I love your vignette on your olden desk. Love the look of the typewriter and phone!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. It does seem like life is going at rapid speed with electronic devices, doesn't it? I can't even recall the last time I actually sat down and wrote a letter.

  11. Oh I love the typewriter. I typed on one of those a million miles. lol The books, the glasses and everything is just perfect. Love it. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  12. I can't tell you how much that typewriter brought back memories Susan!
    My mom has the same one and used to let me play on it while she did her telephone marketing as a stay at home mom! She still uses it.
    I also love that phone!
    Pamela xo

  13. Hi Susan, Thank you for following my blog!I have an old rotary wall phone in my kitchen from the 60's that is original to my house. We just kept it for the fun of it. When My foster son's were new to out home, you should have seen the puzzeled looks they gave the phone and it took a while before they could learn to dial it correctly. Mary :O)

  14. Wonderful vignette! Love the vintage typewriter but I'm very happy for spellcheck and that I don't have to get any whiteout!


  15. I love that vignette with the old typewriter and telephone. I wish I still had my old typewriter. laurie

  16. My husband has old typewriters, too -- one from a mentor of his who is gone now. They really have such a great look and you've captured it wonderfully in your photos. Just grand. Jane F


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