Friday, May 7, 2010

Pink Bicycle and Breast Cancer Awareness

Here is my pink bicycle. It's a powder puff pink with streamers, a bell, a cup holder, a wicker basket and a sheepskin seat that is really comfy. It's an "in town" bike. I won't be going on any mountain trails with this. So for this Pink Saturday at Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound and A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday, at Laurie's sweet blog Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie, I am showing off my pink bike.

Of course Bentley fits just perfectly in the basket and there is even room for his very long dog, in pink of course, with the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon!

Hey Mom, when are you going to stop taking pictures and start peddling?? While Bentley and I are off for an early evening ride, be sure to visit the other participants at Beverly and Laurie's sites. Bentley, what happened to your pink pig? Don't you want to bring him along too???

Susan and Bentley

PS: May is National Bike Month! "Okay, okay Mom, quit chatting and let's go!!" Okay Bentley, whatever you say!!


  1. Cute photos!! I'm not a big fan if bikes - can't really ride one!! I am a big support of Pink ribbon day though!! I have a friend who is a seven year survivor of breast cancer!!

  2. I love the pink bike. I have a yellow one "planted" in my yard. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Bentley is so cute in that basket. Bailey has one of those dogs in blue. She has gone through about three of them. Enjoy that bike ride and have a great weekend and mother's day.

  4. I know you and Bentley will have many fun adventures on your beautiful bike. Happy Mother's Day!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  5. Susan,
    I have a blue cruiser, but I don't think Cocoa and Theo will fit and they would jump out at the first kitty or rabbit they saw!
    Enjoy your ride, Bentley.

  6. Love your bike with the basket and cup holder! So fun that you can take your buddy with you on the ride!
    Stop by to enter my give-away if you'd like.

  7. Susan...Bentley looks so cute in your bike basket. Webster would require a side car. Have fun at the dog park and don't let any of the other dogs steal his long pink dog toy. Have a wonderful weekend. We're have a Saturday spring shower at my cottage.

  8. Oh Bentley looks so cute in that basket, have a nice trip you two.

    Happy Pink Saturday and a very nice Mother's Day!!!


  9. and Toto too?

    Love your bike! Mine was parked out in the driveway one day and someone stole mine =( Really broke my heart - Mine was green with a wire basket on the front. I loved it! Someday I'll replace it when me and my boys can go on the greenbelt when they are big enough but till then I love seeing all the cruiser bikes out and about - this town is full of them.

    Happy Weekend, The lady of the House

  10. Susan, I love your pink bike, and how cute Bentley is in the basket! I can just imagine how cute y'all look riding that bike. Thank you so mcuh for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  11. Oh that Bentley is just precious! He's so teeny that he fits just perfect in the basket. You must be so proud to pedal around town with him leading the way!

  12. I'm in love with your Pink bike!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Cute post Susan! Bently is so adorable! I have a pink bike to that looks almost like yours! Seat, basket and all! Aren't they fun to ride!Hugs, Maryjane

  14. What a sweety Bently looks - and so at home in the basket. I bet he's pleading for rides now.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mother's Day (sorry I'm late - my husband whisked me out for dinner last night and it was VERY late when we got back... so I'm doing my PS visits today).

  15. I love the bike..and the basket..and you know how I feel about that sweet Bentley. I think he's just the most adorable,sweet puppy ever.. and I send hin a hug. Hope you and Bentley have a glorius time on your bike...Happy Pinks and Happy Mothers Day..

  16. Bentley looks so cute ducking his little head. Peddle, Mom!

  17. Ha ha, I thought that said National Bikini Month, and I was like, "oh no!" Great bike, I really appreciate anyone who uses a bike, it's so cool and great for the environment! Anyway, love your sweet little world here, I'm definitely following, and I look forward to seeing more from you and the adorable Bentley!

  18. What a cute bike! And I love it that Bentley goes with you! Fat chance of Baby Kitty ever doing that! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. I'll bet Bently loves his trips in the basket!

  20. LOVE that pink bike and that adorable Bentley! Happy belated Pink Saturday!! dana


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