Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Red Tea Morning

Which would you prefer this morning? Coffee or tea? I love a cup of tea in the morning. On the weekends I drink coffee, but during the week, I like a cup of tea. Sometimes I have a cup of tea first, then coffee, because tea just seems more mellow and comforting and a gentle way to start my day.

If you are having tea, would you prefer Lipton's or Twinings? I have both. I really love the cute little red tin that stores the English Breakfast Tea! The Twinings is loose tea. Seems more proper somehow, don't you agree?

Or how about this cute little red tin that looks like a British telephone booth? It's so cute and it stores tea bags as well.

Would you care for a piece of toast with some strawberry jam to go along with your tea? If you change your mind, I can put on a pot of coffee. Meanwhile, sit back and relax and cruise on over to Sue's It's a Very Cherry World for some more bright and cheerful reds!

By the way, Bentley wants me to remind you of his "Big Post" for Pink Saturday and Laurie's Favorite Things Saturday. Okay Bentley, I have reminded them. What's that, you are dreaming up something for Vintage Thingie Thursday too?? Ah, the joys of being ruled by a 5 pound Yorkie!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Good Morning, Susan. I'm a tea girl, too: Twining's Earl Gray...loose, except when I'm traveling, then I take the tea bags. All my family are coffee drinkers, so I need to bring my own stash of tea! Every now & again, I'll drink a cuppa their cawfee. . . . but like you, it seems more harsh than the tea.

    Lovely, lovely photos . . . . time for another cup of Gray; Earl Gray, that is :)

  2. Hi Susan, Twinings English breakfast tea, please :) Love your vintage canister set in the first photo and the vintage pot holder your tea mug is sitting on. That's a darling phone booth tin. Ya know, it's funny, tea makes me more jittery than cappuccino. But, when i can, I love a cup of tea w/honey and cream. Assam's my favorite. Happy REDS~

  3. In the morning I go for water first. The tea afterward. Like Twinings too but I have more on chinese tea's. But what ever it is they are all healthy drink compare to soda's. Happy Wednesday!


  4. I love tea in the evening to wind down. Coffee all day long. I am addicted to it. I alternate that with caffeine free pop. I also mix in iced tea and lemonade. I am a heavy drinker!!

    Love all your cute tea canisters. Hello to Bentley!!


  5. I love your phone booth tin and your tea canisters are so charming!
    I love tea and start every morning with it, ever since childhood. I enjoy it with milk in it and my mother always told me that's the way the English like it - don't know if that's correct or not??? But on the same wave length, English Breakfast is just about my favorite and I love Twinings (and loose tea).
    Thank you for the tea and toast! :)
    Happy Rednesday and Arf Arf to Bentley!

  6. I drink tea or coffee in the morning!! depends how I feel!!!!

  7. Hi,
    I have the same red cannister set and I love it.The little tin is adorable. You have such cute things.I'd love having tea with you and Bentley-I'd have to bring Max of course.

  8. I love tea, too, but since I can't have sugar in it anymore I'm switching to coffee. I miss it terribly. It was my ultimate comfort food/drink! Love all your red accents, so pretty!

  9. Finally a blog with tea lovers. It seems that most people enjoy coffee. I'm a big fan of Twinings. I love them all. Happy Red


  10. Susan, you've set out a lovely tea for us! I've always loved those red canister sets, and your tea tins are so cute. I think my favorite thing though is that little plaid dish that looks like it could have come from Scotland!
    Happy REDnesday!

  11. Lovely post,wonderful warm photos....lately I am experimenting with less has a way of catching up with you.... I'm wondering if the natural diuretic in tea is working too well!

    Kitsch n Stuff

  12. Susan, thank you so much for stopping by today. Can you believe I got your tea canister along with the f,s,c, at a shower 55 years ago? I wish I still had them. Your blog is lovely. Have a great "rest o' week!

  13. Hi Susan

    I love tea at 3pm and after dinner!! I'm a big tea drinker!

  14. Tea for me too, please! I like it all but a favorite is Jasmine Tea. I'm an anglophile and I love that phone booth-- so cute!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  15. "I like coffee, I like tea. I like the boys, and they like me!"

    I rarely drink tea - have to be in just the right mood for it. Then I enjoy it immensely. I'm a coffee hound!

  16. I agree that tea is a bit more gentle and soothing. I like both coffee and tea and drink both tooooooo much!

  17. I love the vignette's in these pictures. Just gorgeous. I also adore the song I'm listening too right now Somewhere Over the Rainbow. How it just blesses my heart.


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