Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amish Mini Quilt on My Table Top

I love quilts. My mother-in-law loves them too. Shortly after my husband and I were married she made this lovely mini quilt for me. It is patterned after an Amish quilt that she once saw. I love the bold colors and it's truly a work of art.

There is one intentional flaw in the quilt. She told me that Amish women intentionally place one flaw in their quilts because they believe that only God is perfect. Flaw or no flaw, this little quilt is a perfect treasure to me. Please stop by and visit Marty's perfectly wonderful blog A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday.

Speaking of perfection ... little Bentley is napping close by as I post. To me he is absolute perfection!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Love that little quilt -- so perfect for a tabletop . . . . or a doll's bed!

  2. That is really neat Susan, I have never seen a mini quilt, but it adds nice color and texture to a table. Thanks so much for your support on the Oprah gig..no rules against voting as much as you have time for:) I am so happy to have had this experience alone, and for that I am thankful!!~

  3. Your tabletop vignette is just gorgeous! I adore the quilt.

  4. The mini quilt is beautiful, Susan. I love the tradition of the one flaw.

    Regards to Bentley!! :-)


  5. Such a beautiful little treasure Susan and the colors are so restful, American craft"woman"ship at it's best!
    Tina xo

  6. The quilt is gorgeous. I love quilts too, they conjure up images of warmth and cosiness! Suzie xx

  7. It's beautiful! I too adore quilts ;0)

  8. I remember that about the Amish. When someone emails me a question about a quilt, or I leave a comment on someone's blog about making one, I usually punctuate this point. That way folks don't feel so bad when there's a mistake! This one is a beauty. Looks much like some I've made.

  9. Hi Susan! I had to pop over from my own blog to discover just who Bentley is. Oh my goodness, I have a Bentley too whose name is Charlie. I have had such fun scrolling through your posts. I especially enjoyed your tribute to your father. I discovered you in the cutest of cowgirl costumes and a Scottie Valentine cute as could be. Nancy Drew mysteries and a game to boot. So many inspiring things here to find. Thank you for your visits to my blog. They are very appreciated. Elizabeth

  10. Beautiful quilt. Love the old phone as well.

  11. That must have been hard to do since the pieces are so little!! I didn't know that bit about the Amish quilts....it does sound like something they would do. I am currently reading Amish Grace.

  12. The quilt made for you is lovely, but I found the information about the intended flaw to be fascinating. I hope you are having a wonderful day. I'm sure Bentley needs his rest :-). Blessings...Mary

  13. beautiful quilt and you ahve decorated with so nicely. cool to know about the intended flaw!!


  14. What interesting information regarding the Amish quilt makers - what a humble act. Just love it! My husband and daughter want to learn how to make quilts - he's a unique guy!
    I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a sweet comment! I have updated information on my upcoming Victoria Blog Party -
    I hope you stop by,

  15. What a nice entry for Marty's Table Top Tuesday! I love quilts and would love to own a tiny one like this...

  16. What a sweet quilt! I love the colors. I thought about quilting for about....a day and then it went out the window. They always seem so overwhelming to me.

    Bentley is, indeed perfection! So sweet that he is sleeping by you while you post. :))

  17. Oh your quilt is stunning. I love that you're using it as a table runner for such a beautiful vignette. The colors are just fabulous. Love the telephone. Way too cute. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  18. Susan,
    I love the mini quilt. Also, the old phone style and the milk glass. All are just grand!
    xo to you and Bentley!

  19. Hi Susan

    I love quilts and have a few myself. I never knew that about Amish quilts having to have a flaw that's really interesting.
    I have a favourite quilt that a dear old neighbour made me and i use it every night on my bed. It has so much sentimental value as she was such a good friend to me.
    Your home looks so warm and homey. My favourite type of home. Would love to see more!!
    Pamela xo

  20. It's a beauty. Your mother in law is talented. I really like that old phone too.

  21. A perfect post! I love your little quilt piece. She was so sweet to make this for you.
    xo bj

  22. I like the idea of a mini quilt. My MIL is a quilter too and it's so nice to have these beautiful creations.
    Very Nice,

  23. Good morning Susan, thank you for your visit to my blog. I have scrolled down to see several of your posts and your blog is lovely. I see that you have participated in many of the same memes that I also enjoy. I enjoyed each post. Good luck with your book.

    I am so sorry you have lost your dad. I pray that the good memories will always be the ones you remember the most. A long illness is so hard on everyone. My mom had cancer with a long illness. We(my sisters and I) took care of her. she couldn't talk. Time was the best healer.

    Have a wonderful day.

  24. Hello Dear, just wanted to stop by to let you know we found Daphnie, she had been picked up 1 block from our house and a gal had took her to the vet the next morning to be scanned for a micro chip (she doens't have one) BUT I ended up calling the vet just to check if someone had brought one in for one reason of the other... and the secretary made the connection... so thankful - Love your mini quilt, aren't they amazing?
    Hope you have a wonderful day,
    The Lady of the House

  25. Just beautiful Susan...I bet Bentley loves it also...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  26. Hi Susan, I followed you from Hooked On Houses, and I love your blog! I can't wait to look through some of your past posts, but I - like many other readers, I see! - just wanted to tell you how much I love that tradition of the Amish women leaving a flaw in their quilts. What a beautiful tradition.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.