Monday, June 14, 2010

It's Never Too Late!

I admire Mary Engelbreit. She created a little empire for herself by staying true to her ideas and her artistic pursuits. I am joining Vicki the "Cherry Chick" for a new Monday party in honor of ME. This is a print of Mary's that I have kept on my desk for quite a few years. I agree with Mary's sentiment. Never assume that you are too old to pursue your dreams or goals. I believe that it's not what you have tried and failed that you regret, but what you never tried because of fear of failure.

Bentley never gives up on his goals. He's totally focused on what he wants to achieve. That's a good lesson for us all, right Bentley??

Susan and Bentley


  1. I love your ME....and thank you for visiting my “Buttons.” I am really NOT the Queen Mother, but rather I am her “Working Bee.” I still love the potholder and can pretend I am the Queen Mother! Hugs, Genie

  2. I have that same print and totally agree with the sentiment. Love ME!

  3. I think much of the charm of Mary's work is that it is fun and cheerful and most of her sayings we are able to relate to in some fashion! Thanks for visiting today.

  4. I agree whole heartedly! Suzie xxx

  5. Susan & Bentley,
    Thanks you so much for sharing your ME print with us on ME Monday. I agree with Jan that the quotes & sayings that Mary uses in her artwork make it so much more relatable and enjoyable.
    I'm still discovering what I "want to be".

  6. I want that book!! What a great post! In fact, perfect timing because I am seriously thinkikng of going back to school to finish my degree and be what I have always wanted to be...a grade school teacher. :)) I've been waiting for my transcripts for a month now, ugh! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Susan and sweet Bentley. xoxo

  7. Bentley is one smart furbaby.. I agree, focus on your goals and never give up.
    I followed you over to Vicki's.. what a fun party..
    love your framed pic..
    That frankie song you have was one of my Dad's favorites. We watched that movie 20 times and in nov. of '87 it was the very last song we ever danced to.. Gonna listen for awhile- cry some and enjoy a few memories...


  8. Love this poster! I have her inspiring work all over my classroom and my home. One of my favorite things was when I had a quote-a-day calendar in my class and I would try to get my students to think about what the quote meant. I find her work so encouraging.

  9. Like everyone else, that's one of my favorite ME quotes. I've always loved the gardening theme to it!

  10. Oh I love ME. Used to get her mag 'til they stopped it.

    Enjoy your day at the cottage.

  11. I love that quote. I need all the inspiration I can get.

  12. Very nice sentiment, Susan. Cute little framed picture. I have some ME dishes at the Cape house that I wish I could post and join the fun. Maybe down the road. :)
    Arf, Bentley.

  13. Hi Susan and Bentley,

    Oh my goodness - I love Mary E. and really miss her magazine. I love that quote and could not agree with you more - we are never to old to dream and make our dreams come true - isn't that right Bentley?
    Have a lovely week.
    Erin and Bentley

  14. I think this is my favorite ME drawing!!!! And the one that shows a woman in a chair with a photo album and it states " Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened".....

  15. Hi Susan!

    I have this ME poster as well!!
    Boy i miss Mary's magazines. I can't part with the ones i have.

    Thanks so much for the fantastic ideas for Sam's room. I love the panelling idea. His walls though you can't see it in the photos are heavily textured (which should make painting so much fun...not!) so the paint shouldn't be too flat but i like your idea.

    Hugs to Bentley!!
    Pamela xo

  16. My first visit here...but won't be my last ;p!
    Love ME...everything she creates makes me smile all the way down to my painted toenails!
    Come see me sometime!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.