Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nancy Drew and a Flashlight

Before Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. Before Aunt Dimity and Agatha Raisin, there was Nancy Drew. When I was a young girl, I loved Nancy Drew and wanted to be just like her. Of course, I also wanted to be a ballerina, a cowgirl and an architect.

Here it is, a real treasure of mine. My Nancy Drew Mystery Game! The Secret in the Old Attic, Red Gate Farm, The Sign of the Twisted Candles! Wow do those titles bring back memories. My friend Caroline and I used to ride our bikes to the library and check out book after book. Oh look, here's an old flashlight to shine a light on those great memories!

It's supposed to rain again today. We could stay inside, bake some cookies and play a game or two. When we get bored doing that, let's go over and visit our friend
Suzanne, The Colorado Lady to investigate the other Vintage Thingies!

Don't worry Bentley. You can take turns sitting in our laps. Maybe we will bake you some peanut butter doggie treats too!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, love going down memory lane with you! Loved Nancy Drew too! Wow, peanut butter doggy biscuits, oh what a lucky doggie!


  2. I have been around a long time, but do not recall this game. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Susan,
    I loved Nancy Drew, too! I love your vintage game. We would definitely be making some cookies and playing game and turn Mary on, if I were there!
    I am so enjoying my Tea mysteries by Laura Childs, thanks to you. I am reading my second one now!

  4. The only thing I remember about Nancy Drew is that she had a roadster.

  5. I used to devour Nancy Drew books - loved them. I'd like to collect them now. Of course, they led to my current favorite reading matter: mysteries.


  6. What memories you have stirred up! With three older sisters and two younger, we read the books and passed them down. I don't know what my mom did with all of them but since our home was small, I am sure she donated or gave them away.

    Have you ever tried Beneful treats with Bentley? They have a bit of peanut butter in them but are still hard to clean the teeth. Milo and Layla love them and they are fussy hounds!!


  7. I remember reading a few Nancy Drew mysteries when I was young, courtesy of the two slightly older neighbor girls who liked to give us their hand-me-downs. The first book I ever read, I had to ask my mom what "dungarees" were, ha! Never knew there was a game. Awesome!

  8. Oh, I was an avid fan of Nancy. I had several of her books. All the girls were reading them. I kept looking for mysteries to solve, but I couldn't find any. I still love her. I don't remember the board game, though.

  9. I just adored Nancy Drew! I thought she lived the greatest life a girl could ever want. Oh what wonderful memories!

  10. I never knew there was a Nancy Drew game...I loved reading her books when I was growing up!

  11. Wow never saw this game before - looks very interesting. Look at the graphics! Happy VTT.

  12. The games afoot!

    First off I have to say that I love Dorothy Sayers! I had a mother who loved mysteries, who introduced me to Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie and Margery Allingham. Oh for a tea cozy mystery! :)

    Oh! I am pea green with envy. I love your Nancy Drew game, so wonderful!

    Happy VTT,

  13. I was excited to see that game, I remember the books, but never the fun!!! It looks like it is in wonderful shape, love the graphics on the box! Have a great VTT!

  14. OH, you made me feel all cosy and warm! What a lucky doglet Bentley is... Peanut butter doggie treats! I think I might like to eat them too! Suzie xx

  15. Hello Susan and Bentley,
    How lovely to hear from you two again. Goodness - Nancy Drew brings back many fond memories of summers spent looking for clues and exploring old homes in North Carolina.
    What fun we all had playing Nancy.
    Have a lovely week.

  16. Huh..I never knew there was a game. Love the graphics. My Grandpa had an old flashlight like that...hum....I wonder where it ever went too.....I'm off to do a little lookin.

  17. Oh Susan that sounds like so much fun!!! Yes i want to play this game and bake cookies with you!
    I wish someone introduced me to Nancy Drew when i was younger!
    I think i just might check Nancy out now!
    Pamela xo

  18. Thanks for the wonderful memory. I was a Nancy Drew girl too. :-) I never knew there was a game though.

  19. What would we have done without Nancy Drew!!!!!!
    She always gave us something to look forward to...some adventure!
    have a great weekend sweetie,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  20. I adored Nancy Drew. The Hidden Staircase was always my favorite (and I spent many hours looking for secret passages in homes much too modern to possibly have any). I've never seen that game before. That would have been fun!

  21. I loved Nancy Drew too! Read every single book in the series. (But I think they have added a couple more since my childhood days) I am reading a book all about Nancy Drew and the people who wrote the mysteries....(more than one author)
    I need to find a ND game so I can give it to my sister! She would LOVE that!

  22. A Nancy Drew board game! Wow! First time I've seen one-terrific!

  23. Hi Susan

    I loved Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys too. Mysteries were great fun to read. I've never seen the board game.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Love Nancy. I was also a huge fan on Encyclopedia Brown. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great day and pats and ear scratches to Bentley. I went to prom with a boy named Bentley. lol

  25. This post reminds me of my way back younger years :)
    Thank you girl for your visit, and Thank BRENDA for being such a dear to guide you over to me!!

    I will be back soon.

  26. How fun! I remember reading under the sheets with a flashlight, too! lol However, I was the only girl in America who never read Nancy Drew. I was too busy reading anything involving little animals wearing The Wind in the Willows and Stuart Little! lol Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  27. Such a great post! I loved Nancy Drew, with all the books around here I can't believe I didn't save those. Love that game - I never knew about that before, such a find!

  28. Wow I am a huge Nancy Drew fan!! Stop by my blog sometime and go back a few posts! I have done two Nancy Drew swaps now!! It's actually how I got blogging! Been hooked ever since!! LOL I didn't see that game before either! Now I want one!! LOL I have been re-collecting vintage and new Nancy Drew books!! So glad I found you and Bentley!! XO Fran.


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