Friday, June 25, 2010

Random Pinks

Thank you to everyone who was so kind to comment on my blog and to those who emailed me regarding the death of my Daddy. All of your kind words helped to ease my pain. I am comforted knowing that he is no longer suffering and that he is at peace. I have a few random pinks to show today for this Pink Saturday. Gentle and sweet pinks reflecting my mood.

I love cottage style because it is so warm and cozy. The world around us may be filled with sorrow and turmoil, but a cottage reflects all of the comfort and safety of home.

Pots of pink petunias, wild roses under an old tree. Vintage dishes decorated with dusty roses on a soft pink hutch. Treasured items that are faded and sweet.

A tiny stool covered in a pink floral fabric edged with some pink tassels.

A sweet little vintage plate covered with tiny pink flowers.

Lovely pink perennials that suddenly appear each spring. Cottage comforts. A place where we call home. Thank you again. I have met so many lovely bloggers who have made these last few months much sunnier for me. God Bless you all. Now please visit our friend Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday!!

Come along now dear Bentley. You are such a comfort to me.

Susan and Bentley


  1. How lovely! What a peaceful and lovely home you have. Blessings to you.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  2. I agree , a cottage garden is a tranquil retreat from the worries of the world! I love your pinks. Suzie xx

  3. My Dear Susan,
    We do love our cottage style, don't we :) I have gone to bed alittle earlier than Mr. Tennis for about three night to watch alittle of "When Ladies Meet." When he comes to bed we switch over to Wimbledon, so I am loving it all. I am just getting to the part at the country house, yippee.
    I continue to send comforting thoughts your way and know you miss your Dad, but also know he is in a far better place.
    Woof, Bentley :)

  4. Hello Susan, Very sweet and lovely pinks you have for us today. I must say, that I really love that sweet little hutch you have, and you've decorated it soooo nicely :)

    Happy Pink Saturday :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  5. There is really nothing "random" about beauty, sugar. Beautiful!!! Happy PS.

  6. Your home is certainly gorgeous and your gardens look so "cottage". I adore the pink cabinet. Happy Pink Sat.

  7. Loved seeing your home and all of your pretty things!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. I've been thinking about you. I know that this is a difficult time for you. Your choice of pinks today reflects your mood. They are lovely and gentle. Take care.


  9. I love cream and pink! Your flowers are so beautiful! That little white table reminds me of a larger table that looks similar that is waiting to be painted...THAT COLOR. I need to get on it! Maybe I will stencil some sweet roses on it as well. Your post has inspired me! Hope you and Bentley are having a wonderful weekend.

    P.S. Quincy actually does okay with dogs....he gets about twice the size of his poof...but he is really fine with puppies. LOL

  10. What a gorgeous hutch and I love all those plates - so cottagey! The wild roses are just lovely too!


  11. Love all the wonderful pinks this week. Hutch is very lovely.

    Happy Pink Saturday

  12. Lovely post - warm and friendly with charm!

  13. Hello Susan, I think your hutch is gorgeous and all your pinks are perfect for this week. I am happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. Day by day, step by step. Happy Pink Saturday to you and Bentley, Char

  14. Love the hutch with the dishes in it!! So pretty!! Love the pinks of your flowers too!! I love the cottage style also. Had that style for years, then thought I wanted to give primitives a try...but found out it was not for me. I'm a country cottage girl at heart!! I so agree that it refects all of the comfort and safety of home. It wraps around you like a pair of warm and cozy arms.

  15. Hi Susan,

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Dad.
    What a beautiful sunporch he made for your mom.
    May the wonderful memories you have created with him, bring you joy and comfort.


  16. Hi! Oh, I am in love with your pretty little hutch with your dishes! Your Pinkness is really shining! :)
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Lovely cottage garden and style...thinking of you...

  18. HI Susan, so sorry for the loss of your Dad, I know how hard it is, I'm sure Bentley will help you cope.

    Love you pictures, so many beautiful things.

    Will be thinking of you,

    Hugs and blessings RosieP x

  19. Susan,
    First of all, I am so very saddened to hear of your Father's passing, I haven't been around in a few weeks. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I am sending a big hug your way!!


  20. I love your hutch with all the beautiful dishes. It looks so pretty...Kathy

  21. I love all those soft tones and how you've put them together. it was a joy to view.


  22. Ah, the hutch of dishes is so pretty. Your rose bush is doing fantastic. My warmest wishes to you and your family.

  23. Hi Susan!

    This is why i love cottage style it is so homey and comforting.
    I am glad to hear your doing a bit better it's a hard thing to lose a parent.

    Sam loved the comment you left for him! He was smiling away!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Love to Bentley
    Pamela xo

  24. I share your sentiments about cottage style. If I ever get to move into such a place and decorate I think I will have gone to heaven.

    Sorry to hear of your loss. There's nothing that has such an impact of one's life as a daughter losing her father. I have been there.

  25. Love that pretty dish, precious shade of pink roses. Mimi

  26. Hi Susan. I love all your beautiful pink dishes. I lost my daddy 18 years ago. It gets easier but if your like me you will always miss him. Pray your week goes well.

  27. Hi Susan and Bentley,

    What lovely pinks and I too love cottage style. Such a warm fuzzy for me ;0)

    Happy belated Pink Saturday!
    Sharon and Max

  28. Susan, it's wonderful to have blogging friends who care, isn't it? So many have prayed for me since my father passed away two weeks ago. Sorry to hear of your loss.

    Your cottage style will bring you comfort because it's what you enjoy. Yay!! It's YOU!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.