Friday, June 4, 2010

Teeny Tiny Pink

This is it! A teeny tiny pink perennial in my garden. We had rain all last night and a big thunderstorm and a tornado today. This is all I could shoot between the raindrops. But, I do love these little pinks. Now I think that Beverly will have something grand to show you for this Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound and Laurie will too for her

Maybe the weather will be better next week. What do you think Bentley?? Would you like to be our new weatherman? Or should I say weather dog??

Susan and Bentley


  1. Aren't the flowers thriving with all of the rain? I know ours are. Your pinks are too sweet.

    Stay away from the tornados!!


  2. Very pretty pink flowers Susan!
    It has done nothing but rain, rain and more rain here...i'm feeling like a duck! I miss the thunderstorms...don't get them here on the West Coast!
    Keep safe...torandos sound scary!!
    Pamela xo

  3. Wait...I did a entire post for Pink Saturday...and it wasn't there...hmmm...
    I must have done something wrong. Anyway..I deleted it all and put Mele in it's place. :)
    Your flowers are so pretty! I think Bentley and Mele keep us pretty busy...

  4. Hi :) What a sweet plant :) Happy Pink Saturday to you!

    Warmest, Brenda

  5. Susan,
    I love your pretty pink. I hope the weather gets better for you and Bentley soon! It is hot here. Suppose to be 90 today. Mr. Tennis and I got all the yard work done at both places, yesterday. Yea!

  6. Hi Susan and Bentley

    Just popping by for PS. I love the photo of your porch and I've also read a few of your other posts too. I just became a follower so that we can be fast friends. Perhaps you'll do the same.

    Happy Pinks!

  7. Beautiful plant. Happy Pink Saturday and give Bentley a pat for me too. Char

  8. Hello and a very happy Pink Saturday to you!!

    It's a very hot summerday in The Netherlands and I'm enjoying all pink posts in the garden! Love Es XX

  9. I love pink flowers. These are so nice!

    Happy PS!

    Maggie @
    Do these shoes match this purse?

  10. Please send some rain this way, Bentley! We are having triple digit weather and no rain in sight. The local farmers are losing their crops. We would love some rain!

  11. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan.

    We've had a lot of rain the last two weeks, but we were almost in a drought condition. We really needed it.

    Does Bentley mind the rain?

  12. A tornado - wowza - I'm glad you're safe!

  13. We finally had a dry day today! Rain is always welcome in a garden but it can become too much of a good thing! Your pink flower is beautiful!


  14. Susan-So nice to meet you and Bentley. I hope you met my Jessie on my sidebar :) Glad you escaped tornado damage. I am out moving sprinklers!! Thank you for your anniversary wishes and visit! ps-You're playing "my song" :)

  15. Beautiful flowers!I hope Bentley can predict some sun for us...we've had nothing but rain. I dare not complain, though, after the drought we endured! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  16. What lovely flowers and a beautiful dog. Happy pink Saturday

  17. Very pretty flowers Susan, hope the weather improves.

    Hugs RosieP x

  18. Susan your flowers are beautiful.
    Hi Bentley! You are a cutie.

    Have a blessed Sunday. ~Melissa :)

  19. beautiful garden, am sure this plant is the star of the show right now! have a great weekend! verbena cottage

  20. Susan, that is so pretty. Love the way you just casually say you shot the photo between rain and tornado! Glad you and Bentley are okay. are okay. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things Saturday. laurie

  21. Hi!You are Interior designer like me!!
    I love you dogui Bentley, is so cuteeeeee!
    You have just beautiful blog!


    Marina from far away!
    I´ll follow on twitter and facebook!

  22. Hi Susan! Those are some pretty pink flowers and the rain will just help to make everything look gorgeous! Little Bentley might just make a great little weather dog!! :)
    Be a sweetei,
    Shelia ;)

  23. I love the photo in your banner!!!
    Very beautiful!!
    I have Bentley, too!!! He is a maltese mix and such a brat!!!
    Stop by my blog and say hello whenever you like!!!

  24. Happy Pink Saturday on Monday! LOL

    Love your pinks. Goodness, a tornado! I'm glad you and Bentley are alright!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.