Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Vintage Romantic Evening

The last two weeks have been very rough ones for me. Losing a father is so very hard. Throughout this sad time my sweet husband has been by my side and by my mother's too. So as a small but heartfelt thank you to him, I set up a romantic table this evening.

I set it up on our deck. Flowers, candles and vintage touches. Champagne chilling in a vintage silver ice bucket that once belonged to my in-laws.

Spinach dip on garlic cheese toast on a silver vintage tray that once belonged to my Grandmother. Edible flowers strewn on the tray and across the vintage bridge cloth.

Vintage plates and vintage cocktail napkins. Chairs filled with cozy pillows in vintage fabrics.

Thank you for coming to visit me for a glimpse of my Vintage Romantic Evening. I think that I hear David calling now, so I'll have to leave you. Until we meet again please visit Suzanne The Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursday and Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.

Bentley, go run to the door and greet your Daddy!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I am sorry to hear about your father. I understand what you go tru now as I also lost my step mom back 18months ago. but life has to go on and what a great table setting for just the two of you.. thanks for sharing. and have a great day.

  2. How simple and how inviting. I could almost taste those goodies. I must be hungry! I LOVED the little bridge cloth!! Gorgeous!

  3. That is a great table setting today. And very nice linen for the table. Thanks for stopping by this evening. Have a happy 4TH.........Julian

  4. Susan,
    So sweet of you to do this for David. I know he loved it and appreciated it. The table is so sweet!
    Thinking of you, dear Susan.
    Woof, little Bentley

  5. What a nice thing to do for your husband. It is so nice to have a husband that really takes care of you. So sorry about your father. I still miss mine and it has been 6 years. ((((HUGS))))

  6. Simply lovely! Wonderful family heirlooms, beautifully used for a romantic evening.

  7. A small way to start getting back in the real world after a loss of a loved one. You never will forget, but time lets you deal with it.

  8. My condolences on losing your beloved father. I'm glad your sweet husband has been a rock for you, and I know he appreciated the love your beautiful table represents. Just lovely!

  9. My condolences on your loss.

    your vintage tablescape looks lovely.

  10. What a lovely setting for you both. I'm glad you're able to find some time to just enjoy each other's company during this difficult time. I enjoyed your blue pillows too. Very pretty!

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Thankfully you are blessed with someone to help you through this difficult time.

  12. Susan your table looks just beautiful and I am sure your husband was touched by your consideration.
    My heart is with you at this time,
    Tina xo

  13. Beautiful way to end your day, sweetpea. I know how hard it is to lose your loved ones and the burden does lighten after time...

  14. How lovely is your table !
    That was very sweet of you to treat your loving husband to a romantic dinner, he obviously is a very special gentleman.
    I hope your days will soon lighten with the burden of losing your loved ones, time does help.
    Hugs to you and Bentley,

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I still miss my father so much. You set a lovely table. Your silver pieces are gorgeous.

  16. I am so sorry about your loss. I lost both of my parents at a young age. How nice for you to take the time to put this lovely table together for your husband. It is wonderful to have someone you love to help you through these difficult times. My prayers are with you.

  17. I am so sorry about your Father. I lost my Mom a few years ago and I know it is so hard. Your table is very romantic and sweet. I hope you both enjoyed it!

  18. You've set such a beautiful table for your man, I'm sure he was delighted when he saw it! I'm so sorry about your Father, mine is coming tomorrow (it's been 4yrs. since I've seen him), he'll be here for almost 2 wks. I can hardly wait to get re-aquainted with him, I've missed him so much...he'd lived away almost 20 years, but has just moved back to our state! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  19. It's a lovely table setting. I'm sure your husband was very touched.

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your father.

  20. I am so sorry for the loss of your father, these are hard times to make it through for sure! How wonderful you took the time to set up such a wonderful setting for your husband! Love that. Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  21. What a lovely romantic gesture for your husband Susan in spite of all your pain. No wonder you've been happily married for 20yrs.
    The table looks just lovely!
    Pamela xo

  22. So sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is. Lovely tablescape and thank you for your husband. Thanks for sharing!

  23. So sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is. Lovely tablescape and such a nice way to say thank you to your husband. Thanks for sharing!

  24. It's so great to have an understanding husband. It helps a lot at times like this. Your table is wonderful. Mimi

  25. The thoughtfulness of your table is what makes it so special. Your husband was well rewarded.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss, Susan. The romantic table you set for your sweet hubby is so charming....Christine

  27. Just beautiful and what a wonderful way to thank him.

  28. So sorry about your dad. I know how hard it is to lose a cherished father. Your "thank you" to your husband is such a lovely gesture. I hope you had a wonderful evening.

  29. Susan, thanks for stopping by. So sorry you lost your day, I know that has to be so hard. I'm very blessed to still have both of mine.

    We are already back home from Seattle, so didn't get to Port Townsend this time. I've heard it is pretty though! Thanks for the tips.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.