Friday, August 27, 2010


I have always loved horses. From my very first ride as a young girl I was hooked. I spent years jumping over fences, practicing for horse shows and polishing my boots. I loved everything about the sport and still do. All over our little cottage you will find ...

Prints of horses, lamp bases with hunting scenes, horse and fox figurines, books and...

Old velvet helmets and spurs too. Needless to say, I love Ralph Lauren's designs. So there's a little bit about me and one of my passions in life. Go over to Cindy's Romantic Home and find out what others are passionate about.

Do I love horses more than you Bentley ~ no I love you much, much more!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Well, you would definitely be in the little bedroom at the top of the stairs, if you come to visit with that Ralph Lauren horsey wallpaper of mine :)
    Love your riding hat. Bentley don't get jealous of all those horses around. Mom loves you best!

  2. I admire you Susan because I am a tad afraid sitting on a horse and haven't done a lot of horseback riding in my life. I do love your decor, the velvet hat looks great on your table. And I do love Ralph!


  3. I love horses too and like what you show here of horse "stuff". Do you love wild horses too? Madeleine Pickens is leading the effort to save them at I read about her efforts and sent email and snail letters to stop the roundups.

  4. I love horses, but am afraid to ride one!
    Love all your horsey things,

  5. Love your decorating touches and Ralph, but not so fond of animals that are bigger than me! Actually... kinda like them Bentley's size:@)

  6. Now that was truly a GOLLY WOGGER you told Bentley! LOL Fall on the floor over that one!
    That Fox figurine is fantastic! Well..all of it is, actually. I loved your pictures...LOVED them!

  7. I love a horseman/hunt decor! Your velvet hat and spurs add so much to your little vignette here. Yur little fox is adorable, too. I have enjoyed reading your tales of Bentley and the chickens. I would not want visitors in my yard, either. I would want to be the king of my yard and not to share its space with anything "fowl." *grin*
    ~ Sue


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.