Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vintage Mixing Bowls

I seem to be on a kitchen kick this week. So .... here are a few of my favorite vintage mixing bowls. I love this soft yellow one with the blue stripe. I purchased it from a wonderful antiques dealer in New Hampshire just shortly after David and I were married.

This iron stone mixing bowl belonged to my great grandmother. It shows lots of wear, but that makes me love it all the more!! Isn't that a great vintage wicker covered jug? A friend of mine gave it to me. Thank you Kathy!!

Did you see these beautiful free range eggs? They are from my neighbor's chickens. Thank you Amy!! Oh how I long to live on a farm!! While I am searching for acreage, please go visit Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday affectionally known as VTT.

How would you like it if we got our own chickens? Don't worry Bentley, they will sleep in the chicken coop at night.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan,
    I love your bowls. Those eggs are beautiful! Now about those chickens, Bentley. When I was at my Granny's farm every weekend(almost) we would have to go collect the eggs and those chicken would try and peck at my ankles. Tell Mommy to get you a brother puppy, instead.

  2. You have a nice yellow ware bowl and that demijohn is very nice. What a nice friend to give you that.

  3. I hope my great granddaughter values the things I give to her as you do your great grandmother's bowls, sugar.

  4. That was my job when we lived on a farm.I had to gather the eggs. I actually looked forward to it. Nothing better than farm grown things.

  5. I like the bowl and the pretty plate or bowl behind is really pretty too.

  6. Hi Susan,

    Nice to meet you! Love this pretty bowl! Oh, I would love to have some chickens, and a rooster, and a cow, and, and, etc. lol!


  7. I'm with you...I'd love to have some chickens and fresh eggs. I love your bowls. My grandma had one similar to your white one and I so wish I had it!! Have a great VTT!

  8. Your striped pottery bowl is simply marvelous! And the spongeware jug too! You have so many beautiful blue things!!

  9. Beautiful photos, Susan~ your bowls are all so pretty!

  10. Your things all look so pleasing together. We have chickens and love the fresh eggs too. Funny--I always have my speakers off, and this time the Jimmy Durante song came on. We played this at our wedding just before our vows! Fun. Jacqueline

  11. Beautiful! I just love your vignette...that glass milk bottle, the brown and white eggs and the mixing bowl...I'm ready to eat!

  12. You have a very nice collection of kitchen items. I love the mixing bowls. ~~Sherry~~

  13. I think the best secret to baking is a vintage mixing bowl. Enjoyed your blog


  14. I especially like your blue stripe mixing bowl. The assorted color eggs are interesting too.

  15. There is great comfort found in vintage mixing bowls. They represent hearth and home. That the one is your grandmother's is all the more special. Thanks bunches for visiting me. olive♥

  16. Oh your bowls are just beautiful. How blessed you are to have a neighbor that shares such lovely eggs.

  17. Hi Susan and Bentley,

    Oh my - I love your vintage bowls. Great colors.
    How fun to have chickens - I have always wanted to have some, however, I do not have room for them nor would the city where I live allow it. Have you seen Heather Bullard's adorable chickens on her blog? She has a fabulous chicken coup.
    Bentley sends a big tail wag to Bentley,

  18. Hi Susan, love all those vintage mixing bowls. I have one left from our wedding gifts 50 years ago. Don't make them like they used to. You have a lovely blog. So glad you stopped by my neck of the woods. You even have great vintage music. blessings

  19. All of your vintage kitchenware is so lovely.

  20. All of your bowls and your pitcher, are so very charming. How wonderful you have a bowl from your great grandmother, what a treasure. And I'm so envious of the eggs, how wonderful!

    Happy VTT,

  21. Are these the chickens Bentley chases and barks at when he gets the chance? Love the bowls! Bowls just say love to me. I think of my grannies mixing something good up in them.

  22. Hi Susan, this is my first visit here and I like the soft colors of your bowls and of the eggs.

  23. I noticed your Cloverleaf Dairy milk. That is what I use as well. I LOVE the fact that it's local, hormone-free, and in glass bottles.

    I love vintage mixing bowls too. Your yellow with blue stripe is lovely. I have a set of four vintage mixing've probably seen it in antique stores...4 colors, yellow, green, red, blue, each one smaller than the next. I saw the set in an antique store for $75!!! Mine belonged to my grandmother.

    Have a lovely evening,

  24. Thank you for sharing these wonderful bowls. Those are my fave just after Pyrex !

    Happy VTT

  25. I just love those old mixing bowls. I just ran across a pic of a Welsh cupboard with tons of mixing bowls and ceramic fruit. It looked so nice! I don't have any, but I'd like to find some.


  26. I love these old bowls. Both of your's are great. Farm fresh eggs, hard to come by in the NYC suburbs, but we used to be able to get them about 5 minutes away when I was a kid. Am I that old??


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