Monday, September 13, 2010

Memories of Virginia for Table Top Tuesday

When my husband and I were newlyweds, David was transferred to Virginia~Specifically Northern Virginia. We felt as though we were in heaven. Virginia is a beautiful state. Rolling hills and lots of history. Some of the best fall fairs I have ever attended are in that lovely and sweet state. We spent every spare hour exploring, but our favorite place was Williamsburg. Whenever I think of fall, I think of Williamsburg. Historic Willliamsburg where the harvest was so important and celebrated. Williamsburg, home of quilts and candles, cozy nooks and history. Home of William and Mary College.

While we were in Virginia, we had the advantage of traveling. We visited Williamsburg as often as we could. We went to brunch often at the historic Williamsburg Inn. We ate fabulous seafood at Christiana Campbells, actually met and sat by the fire with Roy Underwood of PBS fame. Roy and David discussed the size of the hearth and the draft of the chimney. It was a glorious time.

So tonight, as fall rapidly approaches, I am thinking of a time that was very special to me and to David. A time early in our nation's history. A time of simplicity, a time of thankfulness and a time of beauty. Today I am linking with Marty for Table Top Tuesday. I am thinking warm fuzzy thoughts. I hope that you are too. By the way, my dear Mother-in-Law hand stitched the lovely french style quilted table cloth beneath my vignette. Her own parents were native Virginians.

Bentley ~ I think we need to take you on a cross country trip back to Virginia. I know you will love it!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan,
    Your time in Virginia just sounds wonderful. I am now, too, thinking warm and fuzzy thoughts! I love the Williamsburg style of decor. So wonderful! Bentley, it is a looooong way from Idaho to Virginia. You will definitely need some extra toys for the trip!

  2. Nice memories, and I love your tablecloth-enjoy!

  3. I would love to visit Williamsburg someday!! That whole colonial period appeals to me very much.

  4. Hi Susan-My daughter just graduated from JMU in Harrisonburg. She misses Virginia terribly. We used to love go go and visit her. It's beautiful there.

  5. Susan,
    I went to Williamsburg a few years ago and I agree it's a great place full of history. Hop over today because you have been featured from last weeks NTT. Please feel free to grab my cute little starfish button for your blog and thanks again for coming to NTT!


  6. Oh I would so love to visit Williamsburg. What a fabulous trip. Your vignette is wonderful and it looks so homey. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. I love Williamsburg and will be going soon! What a lovely vignette you've put together.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Susan I so enjoyed this story!! Williamsburg sounds like my kind of place. Homey and old fashioned!
    I loved the vignette you did...wonderful!
    Pamela xo

  9. What a nice memory. Virginia really is a beautiful state. The quilt is wonderful. All those little squares!!!!

  10. Thank you paying homage to my beautiful state!
    I love your blog. It's just so relaxing and takes me back to a different time.


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