Friday, October 29, 2010

Treasured Memories

The last four months have been tough ones for me. First, I lost my Daddy in June. On September 4th a co-worker and friend of mine died very suddenly. Last Thursday a close family friend also passed away very suddenly.

Time passes so very quickly. There are memories of loved ones now gone, but never forgotten. On November 17th my very favorite Aunt Susan goes into the hospital for open heart surgery to repair two heart valves. It's a serious surgery, but one that must be done because if it is not ~ she will die.

Treasure those you love. Spend time with them and let them know how much you care. Time passes too quickly.

I'm taking the time right now to let all of you who visit my little blog to know how much your friendship has come to mean to me. Blogging is so much more than just showing pics of our latest decorating projects or sharing recipes, etc. It's a way to reach out to new friends and old. It's a way to create precious, treasured memories.

Thank You!!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Dear Susan, you have suffered so much loss this year. I'm praying for your Aunt as she has her surgery. And you are in my thoughts as you navigate this painful time in your life.


  2. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers:)

  3. Your photos always have a "vintage" feel to them, honey.

    I'm back with posting one more a week for a while to see how I'm getting along.


  4. I'm so very sorry, Susan, for all of your recent looses. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You touched on some very important things...never take anyone for granted. Live each day to the fullest and hold the ones we love close.


  5. Oh Susan Sweetie...
    I am so sorry to hear of the loses of recent time. I will be saying some prayers to comfort you sweet friend. Please know that you too bring me such joy. I love visiting with you.

    I will be storming the heavens with prayers for your precious Aunt Susan. She will have a successful and quick recovery and be back to herself in no time at all.

    Please have a beautiful weekend sweetie. Again you are so in my prayers and thoughts. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  6. So sorry to hear about all you have been through Susan.
    Sending you warm and happy thoughts dear Susan!
    Blessings...Pamela xo

  7. What an honest and heart-wrenching post. I'm so sorry to hear of this very painful time for you.

    You're SO right about the friendship side of blogging. I can never understand people who don't want to comment.They don't know what thery're missing.

    I am a commenter extrodinaire!!!

    *big cyber hug*


  8. Oooh, I forgot to say....following you too!!

    What did I say about the commenting...see?!!

  9. Susan, I agree with you that the blogging community is very friendly and supportive of each other.

  10. Dear Susan, I'm very sorry for all your losses. I'll say a prayer for your Aunt Susan. I agree, my blog friends are wonderful people. Surround yourself with those you love, life is precious.

  11. Susan, I feel for you. I know how much losing your dad affected you. Your 2010 sounds like my 2006. The important thing now is to be sure you take care of yourself. That includes pampering yourself. Because other people need you, and you need to be okay to be there for them. We all love and support you, night or day. We are a close-knit community.

  12. Susan,
    You are so right, blogging is so much more than decorating, etc. We are a family in some ways and a comfort to each other. I know how tough these last several months have been for you, but you know I am here, when you need an ear. You are a dear friend.
    xoxo to Bentley, too!

  13. I agree about Blogland Susan! Best wishes for your Aunt's successful surgery and speedy recovery! 2009 was an extremely difficult year for me, 2010 much better! Give Bentley a hug for me:@)

  14. ((((hugs)))) Susan, thank you for sharing your heart with us and for this very touching post...You have experienced a lot of sorrow in five months...I'm busy listening to the music playing and going back to read your post and look at the pictures..and well tears are in my eyes...Again..thank you and please know I will be praying for your Aunt..I hope the week of the operation I can add your link to my Fearless Friday post asking my followers and subscribers to hold her close in their thoughts and prayers...(I will have to make sure I get a draft going so I can share your post here...)

    Blessings and comfort to your heart precious one....this night and always....

  15. Oh Susan, sending prayers and good thoughts to you and yours. You have been through so much and I am sure your heart is broken right now. I will be praying for your Aunt and hope her operation is a complete success. God Bless, Char

  16. Lots of healing hugs to you. I will remember your Aunt Susan in my prayers. Blog friends are so very special! Hugs!

  17. I am sorry Susan... it sounds like a very rough year for you. I am sending all my good vibes towards your aunt!

  18. Susan, I am so sorry for so many losses. I hope your aunt recovers well from her surgery.

  19. Losses that come in clusters just can knock the pins right out from under you. A few years ago betweeb mid Octoer and mid November, our family lost my mother, my closest aunt, and my son-in-law's father. It felt like the world was coming to an end (well, not really, but it was such a sad thing to have that much loss in such a short time span. My sympathies and condolences to you and my best hopes for a rapid recovery for your aunt.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.