Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bentley and I Love Snow!!!

It's snowing today!! It's not sticking very well down here in the valley ~ but hopefully the mountains will be covered in a thick layer of snow. Bentley loves the snow and so do I. Soon we will be ready for skiing, sledding and cuddling by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy day. This is how it looks up in the mountains of Idaho in the winter ~ just lovely!!! Bentley looks so tiny compared to towering ponderosa pines dusted with snow and huge snow banks.

Bentley ~ it's time to pull out your sweaters.

Susan and Bentley


  1. We have snow too... and we have pulled out the sweaters for Fred, our mini doxie who loves to run thru it and then run back to the door and dive under the covers in his bed! Love the pic!

  2. I live in Austin, TX, where it hardly ever snows and when it does, it usually is gone the next day!! It is 79F today. YAY!!!

    I hate winter and cold and snow and ice ('cept in iced tea!) and all things related to winter ('cept Christmas!)

    Enjoy your snow and keep it far, far from me! :D

  3. Susan...
    Your mountains are beautiful covered with snow and I'm sure the valley is lovely as well. I hope it starts sticking if that's what you want. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving.

  4. I'm another Austinite enjoying sunshine and upper 70s, but your snow looks beautiful. Have a fun day! ~ Sarah

  5. Very pretty! I'd love to see the mountains in your area, although I am not much of a snow sporting sort of person. It's magical to look at though!!

    Bentley sure looks like he is having a great time!


  6. Very pretty! Glad Bentley likes it:@)

  7. It looks magical! My dogs saw snow briefly last year. Of course it was gone pretty quick.

  8. Send that snow my way. I am so ready for it. Everyone is getting snow but not us.

  9. While it's beautiful, I'm dreading it! Snow is a four letter word! LOL!!! My little Duke loves the snow also! Have a great week!

  10. What a pretty picture!! It's snowing here also. Just started this afternoon and we're starting to get some accumulation. Our first snow of the year.

  11. Oh Susan Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous picture of you and Bentley. The snow is beautiful, but I don't deal well with the cold weather and my asthma. You enjoy it for me, and I will love my desert temps.

    We got rain here in the valley today. A downpour in fact. It was SO nice for a change. I love it occasionally.

    Beautiful share sweet friend. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving and SO much love, Sherry

  12. Love looking at your snow, but please keep it for a while longer! Just not ready yet:)

  13. looks so pretty! Hope ya'll had a wonderful snow day and have many more to come! :)

  14. It snowed here in northern Utah all night. Winter's on it's way! Mimi

  15. Hi Susan and Bentley, what a lovely picture, the snow looks wonderful, and so does Idaho, now anothe state I want to visit.

    Hope you are both well

    Hugs RosieP x


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