Friday, November 26, 2010

Have You Ever Noticed?

Have you ever noticed that it takes hours and hours to prepare Thanksgiving Dinner and yet only minutes to eat?

Time to start decorating the cottage for Christmas ~ now that's what I call fun! Have a great day everyone and come back to see how the decorations are progressing. And ... Don't forget to visit Beverly for Pink Saturday!

Bentley ~ let's get out your Christmas bowl!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Too true, can't wait to see what you are doing!!!

  2. I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving...we did, too and you are SO right about all the cooking and then 5 minutes of eating. I feel like that every night! It seemed this year everyone took a little more time, which was nice.

    Bentley has his own Christmas bowl? How sweet. I'll have to get one for Milo and Layla, {they share!!}.


  3. I have noticed that very thing - - - hours and hours to prepare, a moment on our lips, then hours and hours to CLEAN UP!

    But it is so worth it to be together in that most celebrational way.

  4. Hi Susan and Bently.
    Thank you for dropping by my blog. I was so excited when Brenda posted me and the others as highlighted blogs to go and visit.

    I hope to drop by again soon!

    I'm all about a cozy sweet cottage.

    God bless,
    Viola over

  5. How true that is Susan and Bentley!
    Enjoy decorating and don't forget Bentley's stocking, I have a feeling he has a few Christmas wishes of his own!
    Take care and stay warm this weekend my friends!
    Tina xo

  6. Happy Pink Saturday. Be sure to link your post using the linking tool at the bottom of my post.♥

    I have noticed, Susan. And, my leftovers are almost gone, too. The platter reminds me of one I have which was my grandmother's.

  7. Hi Susan,

    Just popped in to say hello, and hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Hope Bentley is enjoying the snow! I hope we get some for Christmas!


  8. That platter looks like it was licked a great Pink Saturday.

  9. Hi Susan Sweetie...
    Happy Pink Saturday and looks as though Bentley licked the platter clean, even the fork. Ha! Ha! Ha!

    I am so tickled that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving sweet friend. It is always so much fun to have meals with family and friends. I can't wait to see what you put up for the holidays in the cottage. I know it will be beautiful. I am going to try to get started next weekend and bring out the trees.

    Have a beautiful weekend sweetie. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  10. Hi Susan, truer words were never spoken! I baked 5 pies, 1 cheesecake, deviled eggs and stuffing - but it was a fun time with the family. Can't wait to see your decorations!


  11. Hours to cook, minutes to eat and oh yea, hours of dishes afterwards too! But, still a great day:@)


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