Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Bentley Autobiography

Hi ~ I am Bentley of Ash Tree Cottage.
I have a very busy life here at the cottage and I will
tell you a little bit about me.

I like to drive ~ but I don't have my license

I look handsome in my Mardi Gras beads and my
Momma's gumbo is really good!

I like to ride in my Momma's bicycle basket. I pretend that
I am Toto and she pretends that she is Dorothy!

I don't like baths !!!
Be sure to let my Momma know this and
maybe she won't make me take them anymore.

Momma bought me this "Mini Me". I like to make
Mini Me bark and I put him on my Mamma's tummy
while she is doing her abs workout on her exercise mat.
Ha ha ~ it makes her giggle when I do it while she's trying
to do her yoga workout too ~ especially during
downward dog!!!

I like to help my Momma garden. Sometimes
I run off with one of the flowers she is trying
to plant. I don't know why she doesn't like
me to do that ~ do you???

I found my pink hairbrush ~ this is not good!!
Maybe I will bury it in the garden when Momma is not looking!

That's all for now. Momma told me to
mention Thelma the chicken but I won't do it
because I don't like her.
I do like her eggs though!!

I have a crush on Lucy ~ you can visit her at
Don't spread this around though because I also
have a crush on Krumpet!

Love and puppy dog kisses,


  1. Was that fun or WHAT?
    Good night.
    Mary Ann

  2. Bentley you are so gorgeous, your Momma is very lucky to have your help around the place.
    Brilliant post Susan.

    Hugs Jill xx

  3. Oh Bentley, you are too cute! I think everyone in blogland has a crush on you! I don't know why anyone would not want you taking there flowers. ;-)

    Adorable post Susan!


  4. Great pics of Bentley Susan, especially the one in the bike basket-lots of fun:@)

  5. Oh Bentley is just adorable. I think if Mindy met him she would have such a crush ~ handsome boy! Mindy doesn't like baths either, Bentley. woof!

  6. Bentley, you stole my little Lucy's heart this morning. She is blushing. Susan, Bentley all wet made me laugh out loud! Thank you so much for joining in, and sharing very special part of your life with us. Love Lucy and Debbie

  7. Bentley you are so sweet and adorable I wish you lived next door to me and I could have you over for tea and crumpets!
    Mind the speed bumps and your secret crush is safe with me...shhhh!
    P.S. I love eggs in the morning too!
    P.P.S. Momma, Bentley hates baths!
    Tina xo

  8. Bentley is a heartbreaker! Look at that face! Melts my heart:) Adorable!

  9. Hello Bentley,

    It is so nice to get to know more about you and read about your fun days around the cottage. My favorite photo of you is the one riding in the basket on your Mom's bicycle.
    Tell you Mom hello and Bentley sends you a big tail wag.
    Erin and Bentley

  10. Bentley you are precious. :) I love the basket on the bike photo...too cute. :)

    ~ Kim

  11. Oh, Bentley you are adorable! I love your Toto picture ... you look more like Toto than my Mcuff and he would NEVER fit in the basket ... and if he did I don't think I'd be able to pedal him around! Please stick to letting your Mom drive you around in the basket, I'm afraid you are just too little to be driving the car!

    Thank you for visiting with McDuff and I, we hope you will come by again!

  12. Bentley you have my permission to bury that hairbrush but I am afraid two more may appear in its place. You are adorable!

  13. Bently is so adorable I could squish him. As I read my comments I am in great company of people that sacrifice to keep there pets well. I am so glad I posted this, I actually thought people would think I was crazy to pay that much money to keep a cat well, I was so wrong everyone seems to do what we have to do to keep our little loves alive.


  14. I wish Bentley and Max could get together. They'd have a great time! Cute post.

  15. Good Morning, Bentley. Hope you and Susan have a wonderful day, and Bentley try to stay out of trouble, you are soooooo cute.

  16. Well Bentley, you are just so handsome, I don't think Isabella would mind if you brought her one of your momma's flowers :) Oh, there goes the parent in me trying to pick my "babies" friends. But I'm just sayin', you are cute.

  17. Bentley you are so cute my Sam would just love you to pieces! Actually Pilot would love you...she goes on hikes every now and again with a yorkie called Mary and her trainer...So cute!
    Pamela xo

  18. He's just adorable, my dog has had the blues lately with all the gloomy fog we've had. Stopping over from Marty's TTT party, as I'm honored to be your linky neighbor, xoxo tami

  19. Well, I think Bentley should have been linked, he's adorable. Hugs, Marty

  20. Oh my how gorgeous is Bentley..I think he deserves lot's of tummy rubs. He is too cute.~Kym

  21. I've been lurking but I couldn't resist today's post. Bentley is adorable with his mini me. Your outside pictures are making me so snowy and cold here!

  22. Bentley, you're one of the cutest dogs around. Sounds like you keep your mom on her toes. I'll mention the no bath thing the next time I send her a note. Have fun! ~ Sarah

  23. Bentley, I am in love. You are soooo cute. When you get your license come up and see me sometime. Hugs, Ginger

  24. Bentley you are a handsome boy! I loved your autobiography!! Especially loved the bit about Toto and Dorothy. :)

  25. Oh, Bentley! You are so adorable! I loved seeing your day!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  26. what a cutie pie! Loved reading "his" little story.

  27. Bentley, you are a doggie with many talents. The bubbarinos here would agree with you about bath time.

  28. Love the pictures.. Bentley you are so darn cute!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.