Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do You Ever ...??

Do you ever miss someone you have lost?
Sometimes I miss my Daddy so much.
He's been gone for over six months now ...
but there are times when I hear a song
or I read something
or someone mentions something that
reminds me of him.

Most of the time I am strong ...
but there are times when
I am not.

Has this happened to you?

Susan and Bentley


  1. yes... i feel that way about someone I had loved very much in my family... my biggest fear is forgetting their essence...

    hugs to you

  2. My father passed away 25 years ago and I still hear his booming laugh--he had the best sense of humor. My mom has been gone almost 5 years and I think about her every day and hear her voice. It is comforting to me to have their beautiful memories so close in my heart...

  3. Oh yes. Sometimes I miss my dad (step-dad) so much and I want to talk to him about things. He's been gone for a little over two years. I feel the same about my FIL. We loved talking politics - arguing politics - but he's been gone for five years. As much I miss them it reminds me of how much I loved them and I how glad I am I had them in my life.

  4. My mom's been gone 3 months now and some days my heart just hurts. I never knew that feeling before. I believe time will help. I hope so anyway...

  5. Oh Susan I know how you feel, but, just know that your daddy is looking down from above smiling very proudly at you. I lost my mother 25 years ago and I still miss her ~

  6. Yes my mom has been gone for 2 years now. She lived with us for 13 years so to say I miss her is an understatement. We are redoing her apartment I can't walk in with out taking a deep breath. Loss is so hard

  7. I have lost 7 people in my family in the last 9 Dad just a month ago. My heart aches with sadness sometimes. I just try to hold the good memories close.


  8. Love your blog!!! :) Am now following from Australia. Its lovely to meet you. :)

  9. Susan,
    I know you are missing your Dad. This must be so hard and all I can do for you is send you a great big virtual hug. Wish I could do it in person :(
    Bentley, give Momma a hug from me, too.

  10. Hi Susan, my dad was only 56+ when he passed away, 24 years ago, and we all still miss him. He had been ill, but no one expected him to die, including his MD's. I remember that not a day passed for 18 months that I didn't think of him, then one day I didn't, so I knew then that my heart had healed, but I felt guilty for not thinking of him. Even now, writing this note to you my eyes welled up. But that's ok. Thankfully we all have fond memories of him. Six months isn't long, so take your time to grieve. Just remember the good times and know he'd want you to be happy.


  11. Susan both my parents have been gone many years and not one day goes by that I do not think of them!
    Each night I light a candle I have placed in front of some old family pictures I have hanging in a grouping to let those who have left here know that they will always have a special place in my life each day!
    I love to take out the old family snapshots and remember someone's favorite song, a special happy memory or cook up someone's favorite meal just for me. And for a few hours I feel like they have never left! Treasured moments!
    Tina xo

  12. Yes, I know that I do. February 4th will be the two year anniversary of Jordan's passing to Heaven. Though each day holds memories and thoughts of him, I am comforted knowing he is with our Father now. Susan, I read Romans 5:3-5 the other day and found great comfort.

    Your father is always with you...always there. Just talk to him because he does hear you.

    much love,

  13. Yes, it has. I lost my brother when he was only 44 - in 1991. Sometimes I would be overwhelmed with missing him. A song, or someone who looked like him would spark such strong memories and sadness.

    Be patient with yourself. There is no time limit on the grieving process.


  14. It sure does happen to me. It gets a little easier with time. I know that my Dad is so much better off where he is now. That helps. I still miss him though. (((((HUGS))))) to you.

  15. I sure do. It's been almost 40 years since I lost my dad. Still miss him. So many times when I wish he were here to share a moment. Just have to keep these special ones close in our hearts. Hugs to you ~ Sarah

  16. The older I get the longer the list of lost loved ones. I made wonderful scrapbooks that help me remember the wonderful blessing it was to have them in my life.

  17. I lost my father over 16 years ago and he is always in my thoughts. We started building our cottage shortly after he passed away knowing he would have loved visiting us here often. Coming to the cottage brings me closer to him somehow.

  18. You always miss your loved ones that have doesn't matter how much time has gone by. It's been 20 years for my Mom and 17 for my Dad and 9 for my brother this year. I have a tape that my hubby made in the 1980s with my Mom and Dad talking on it. Every once in a while I will watch it just to hear their voices again. It's hard to do though I must admit.

  19. Six months is still a short time. It took a long time for me, but the 'sting' of death went away.

  20. Hi Susan,

    My Mom has been gone for 5 1/2 years and I miss her every single day. Hang in there! It's not easy.

    Thanks so much for visiting my new blog. It allowed me to find yours. I'm your newest follower.

    Have a great day!

  21. Hi Susan,
    Thanks so much for stopping by...I chose this post to leave a comment, it's 9 years that my mom has been gone, my granddaughter Sydney was born a week before she died. You can imagine how I was on an emotional roller coaster...happy and sad. There is not a day goes by that I don't think of her, my dad and brother, I try to remember all the good times we had and that helps alot.
    Thanks for following, I've been a follower of you and Bently for a while now♥

  22. I'm sorry for your loss. I think this is completely normal. Six months isn't a very long time. (((Hugs)))

  23. 25 years ago, this Spring he left and I still get a lump in my throat when I think of his gentle hand on my head. I like what another commenter said: when there is a day that you don't think of them you know then that your heart has healed.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.