Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shopping The Cottage

I am doing quite a bit of re~decorating in my cottage.
Before I run out and spend lots of money,
I always "shop the cottage" .

I pull out things tucked away in hutches and cupboards
and use them in new ways.

I incorporate family heirlooms with new things
so that even though the cottage seems
fresh and new, there are old precious treasures
that make it feel like home!

I am joining

If you have not entered my Ramsign give~away you still have time.
The winner will be announced on Sunday January 23rd.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Happy Show and Tell Friday,Happy Frugalicious Friday, Happy Vignette Friday, Happy Ispiration Friday,Happy Junkin' Finds, Happy Favorite Things Saturday and Happy Pink Saturday,
    that is a lot of blog hoppin'...
    I will take one of everything you showed...wink...wink
    Those are beautiful photographs of vignettes.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day
    Simply Debbie

  2. Can I shop at your cottage too Susan?!
    That pink transferware jug is gorgeous and I love the blue pillow behind it!
    I want to see all that you do to this enchanting cottage!
    Pamela xo

  3. What precious lovely things! Can I shop there too?

  4. It's all looking very pretty. I especially love the Williamsburg pitcher.

  5. Beautiful pics Susan! Lovin' the pillow in the last one:@)

  6. I love shopping the house, too. It's cheap! I love your little pitchers and the pillow is SO sweet. Very pretty vignettes!


  7. Thanks for joining Junkin Finds Friday! What beautiful items you have in your home to shop from. Love the pitchers!

  8. Hi Susan! I love what you found in the cottage...especially the red transferware pitcher! pretty! I love to do that, too! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  9. I would love to shop in your cottage!! Your shopping finds are gorgeous!!

  10. Susan ~ I love to shop my little house too~! You never know what you're going to find. I am sure Bentley helps you ;-)

  11. HI Susan and Bentley, so pretty and I love to find things I haven’t used and try them in a different way. I love that pitcher--Love, Love, Love it!!! :)

  12. I try to shop my house sometimes. The trouble is that my stuff is more Walmart than Limoges! :)

  13. Ohhh, I want to shop with you! LOL
    Beautiful images that caught my eye in the reader! Such a pretty post.

  14. Dear Bentley!
    Hi! I saw your blog just a few days ago. I have to say it was great! Not only are your blogs inspirational and beautiful, but, how do you type without thumbs? Being that I am still just a puppy, my patience is low.

    You have to tell your mom that my mom almost got in trouble with dad when he cleaned the storage room (well, not really). He wanted to know what she wanted to do with all of her stuff. She said “don’t touch my junk!” Needless to say she really likes the quilts your mom has shown. Sadly she cannot beg to add them to her collection of stuff right now. If you can woof your mom into it, just have her put it on your favorite chair. Promise that you won’t use the chair. When you get caught, just give her your puppy eye look. Works every time for me!

    Keep blogging Bent! (is it okay if I call you Bent?)


  15. Loving the red and white little pitcher! Looking forward to some pics of the cottage real soon! :)
    Bentley, if you were here we could play in the snow together!

  16. Great reminder to appreciate and use what we have. There is at times so much focus in gathering "more." Well done, thank you! Wag more, bark less!

  17. You have a beautiful 'store' to be shopping from! I love how moving something old to a new place makes it suddenly new to the eye again.

  18. Your pitchers have me swooning, Susan. So often, we forget what we have stored in our own homes. Bringing them out again makes them seem new! ~ Sue

  19. Shopping the cottage is always my first move. Sometimes you forget what you already have! Love the pitchers.

  20. Shopping the cottage is a great idea, I don't do it enough! I've been on a cleaning out and donating rampage for about 2 years! LOL! I will be opening up those cabinets to see what's available! Would you believe we're getting more snow! We've already got 42+ inches and we could get up to 8 more inches . . . Have a wonderful day!

  21. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comments. I love your shopping finds in your home, the pictcher is gorgeous. Your blog is beautiful and I am signing up to follow. I also love your minis blog. Have a great weekend.

  22. Hi Susan,
    Your blog is gorgeous. I so love quilts, the ones shown here are so pretty. You will love your herb garden it will go hand in hand with your beautiful cottage.
    Thanks for leaving me a wonderful comment.
    Have a wonderful day.

  23. I SO agree. We all probably have tons of lovely things tucked away. It's nice to rotate things around. Thanks for visiting Buttermilk Cottage. Please come back often!

  24. I love that pitcher and think it is saying that it wants to come live at my house for awhile!:-)
    It is so great to be able to "shop" in your own home and I try and always do that first too. Thank you so much for joining the Inspiration Friday party this week!

  25. Hello fellow Susan! Nice to meet you in blogland. I really like your treasures that you 'shopped' in your own cottage. I find myself doing that as well, especially since it's good on the budget. :)
    - Susan

  26. It is nice to "find" things that have been tucked away and apprecite them all over again!

  27. Hi Susan and Bentley!
    I like to shop my house as well. It's like Christmas all over discovering all the things I'd forgotten! I love that picture with the pitcher and pillow! Vanna

  28. Love the red transfer mixed with the floral fabric. Great combination!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  29. Now this post is full of true pink perfection! So very lovely.

    We did a whole flea market booth of pink accents.
    Come take a peek:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Love the styles in all the pictures. So beautiful!!!

  31. Happy Pink Saturday Susan! I like the way you shop...especially that pretty pillow!

  32. Hi there- I would say your cottage has some pretty great treasures in it!! Shopping the house is always fun~I love to do that too. Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  33. Happy Pink Saturday, Nice pink pitcher and pillow, what fun your cottage must be, blessings Marilou

  34. Shopping your house or your attic is a great way to get a fresh look on things you already own. So many times I find something I swore I'd never use again, but somehow it works again. I love the quilt, pitcher, and plate pictures.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  35. i want to shop with you too! seems you have beautiful pretties here!

  36. Love all your pretty treasures - Happy Pink Saturday to you!

  37. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan! LOVE that transferware pitcher and the pillow is gorgeous too! Thanks for sharing your pretties and have a lovely weekend.


  38. Looks like you had a great day shopping the "cottage".

  39. I want to come "shop" your cupboards and hutches!! So pretty and just my style! Love it!! And thank you for sharing some of your pretties with us. Have a wonderful weekend!!
    p.s. I am LOVING your music selections... In fact I'm leaving your blog up just to hear it!

  40. You have some real treasures - thanks for sharing them with us.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  41. G'day Sue ~ What beautiful pretty pink treasures. Love your presenttion ..
    Have a happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  42. You have such lovely things in your "shop" LOL! I, too, love to use old things in new ways - it's a great way to change things for no cost...just a little imagination!

    Hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday!

  43. Everything is so pretty! Wish I could shop your house :)

    I've just become a follower and hope you will stop by and enter my $30.00 Gift Card Giveaway!

  44. Your pitchers ad quilt are beautiful. I cannot imagine the other treasures you have hidden away in you closets and cupboards. Please keep sharing them with us. Happy Pink Saturday.

  45. Susan, your cottage looks like a great place to shop. You have beautiful things. The work on the white quilt is amazing. Can you tell me about it.
    ~ Sarah

  46. Hi Susan and Bentley my Sweeties...
    Oh what a beautiful share today. I too, love shopping in my cupboards and storage places about the house. I never know what treasure I have, that may be just what I am looking for.

    I love your quilt, how elegant cream is. A color for all places. Your lava bowl and pitchers are so elegant sweet one. Also love the floral pillow. I can think of a few places for that one too. Isn't it fun to bring out our things and look around for a new house for them. I move things about quite often.

    Hope you and Bentley have a wonderful weekend. I have so enjoyed visiting Ash Tree Cottage my precious friends. Have a glorious Sunday.

    Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  47. I love a cottage and I imagine yours must be
    just about perfect! Pretty blog!

    Flora Doora

  48. I love the pitchers. Your blog is lovely!

  49. Susan, I shop my home too, but seeing your photos makes me want to come shop your home! What beautiful treasures. I'm so glad you linked them to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  50. Oh Susan I would shop your cottage too:) Love your style my sweet friend!


  51. Same here! My daughter jokes that she can go to sleep and wake up to a new house. Hey. It's just decorating.
    Mary Ann

  52. I would love to shop the cottage too! how fun! I love your pictures!


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