Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Under Cover

So far, this Tuesday is not going so well.
It's only 8 degrees outside ~ burr!
My mouse is acting up
and I unplugged my camera connection while in iPhoto
and messed up my photo library ~ so ...

If you don't hear from me for a while you will know
that I have moved into the MacLife shop!
For now I have a Table Top Tuesday Tea Cup that's
under cover. I feel like crawling back into bed under
the down filled comforter!
I am joining:

Bentley ~ let's snuggle up under the covers for a few more minutes!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Brrr, that sounds chilly and a good day to spend extra minutes under the covers.

  2. Hello,
    I hope weather is becoming warmer soon. It is so cold. You have made lovely vignettes with the nice cup, so make a cinnemon tea and warm up with that. And for Bentley maybe a hot milk?
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Love the design and colors on the tea cup. Staying under the covers sounds good to me! Happy New Year and Happy Tea Day!

  4. Of course if it's a cloche, then I immediately start drooling. Love the teacup, photo and pearls under it. So pretty. I hope the day gets better. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. You obviously know much more about computers than I do or probably will ever know Susan, but I guess some of us will just always be PC plain janes.
    I love your cup and saucer, what make is it if you don't mind my asking?
    Sweet Bentley will have to snuggle up close under the covers to keep you warm! Stay safe under the blankets Bentley!
    Tina xo

  6. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr, cold, Susan and Bentley! I am hoping for a day to snuggle with Cocoa and Theodore like that soon!

  7. It's obviously a good day to snuggle with Bentley ;-)
    Have a snuggle for me

  8. A most unusual cup and saucer, and very pretty I might add !
    Bentley looks like my third Yorkshire Terrier, a girl, but don't tell Bentley that, it may give him a complex :)
    Lovely cloche, and hope your confuser gets better !

  9. Susan...I'm sure you will get your computer up and running correctly in no time. Fingers crossed. Stay warm.

  10. I hope you get everything back in working order soon. Your little cloche looks pretty though.

  11. Oh My! That is very cold indeed!
    Your tea cup looks very lovely presented that way. It is such a unique design, I love the pattern and the coloring.
    Best wishes with your computer!

  12. Hope you get your bugs and mice all cleared up soon! Just snuggle a little longer!

  13. Yikes that's cold! Hope it warms up soon for you and your computer troubles go away! Hope you have a better day!

  14. Hope it warms up for you and Bentley soon Susan, good idea to go back to bed, I would too.

    Hugs Jill x

  15. Lovely little scape under the glass. I hope your computer woes are easily solved. I hate being disconnected. Happy New Year to you and Bentley!

  16. Sorry to hear about the photo library, hope all is okay..Cute cloche! Howdy Bentley!!!

  17. crossing my fingers for your computer! hope all is back to norm, however, your teacup is still a pretty one! love the colour and to have it display under a cloche just lovely!

  18. Oh, I can so relate. I love my easy to use digital camera, but have had such a hard time with iPhoto. I finally gave up on it. I hope by now things are going better for you there. :) Happy Blue Monday. :)


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