Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chicken Fever

Ever since Thelma started coming over to visit us,
I have been crazy about chickens!
If I see something that has chickens on it ~ it's probably
coming home with me.
I think I have ...
Chicken Fever!!!

I know that Chicken Fever is highly contagious because
my best friend Robin aka The Decorating Tennis Girl has caught it from me.
So be careful or you may be catching it too.
I'm getting nervous about Easter. It's going to be a lot of
temptation for me when I see all of those cute Peeps!!

After you go visit Robin, be sure to visit our friend Sue for
and Kim for

Bentley ~ should Momma get you a little fleece blanket with
chickens on it??
No ~ are you sure???

Susan and Bentley


  1. Awwww, you "sweet sister." Thanks for the shout out! We are in a "chickie kind of mood" aren't we??? Bentley, you send me...

  2. Lovin' your fun sign and beautiful colored eggs Susan! I'm sure Bentley will feel the love... eventually:@)

  3. My mother always loved chickens. And I love those peeps at easter.

  4. Please don't get Bentley a chicken blanket...
    maybe a blanket with balloons...or doggie bones?

  5. I love your sign...I love chickens too. Next time I see Robin I will check her temp and see if she has the fever!

  6. If you have chicken fever, my sister would be in the hospital at death's door. She has so much chicken stuff in her house.

  7. Very pretty photo Susan with eggs!
    We love chickens over here and Sam keeps bugging me for one! But I don't think I will be getting any real ones anytime soon!
    Pamela xo

  8. Aw come on Bentley...chickens are great!

  9. love the sign...I too am a chicken fan....Mica

  10. I adore little chickens! Easter is my absolute favorite, but always so much temptation heheh. Xoxoxo

  11. Chickens follow me home all the time. Great graphics! ~ Sarah

  12. Oh yea...Chickens and Roosters! Can't have enough of them!

  13. I love that sign. It would look great in my kitchen.

  14. Your chicken sign is cute and fun! I don't think chickens will ever go out-they're like roses-can't get enough of them. We still have wallpaper in our kitchen(needs redone) from the early 80's with chickens-it was here before I moved in and needs updated-but my husband likes it-oh well-maybe some day!

  15. Loving the chickens! My daughter has chicken fever, too. They're in her backyard! She sings to them and talks to them. And they give her some really pretty eggs....I'm not quite there yet, but who knows? :) Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Valentine's Day and may the Lord richly bless you and yours. Love, Gloria

  16. I love the chickens with the red and white. Very cute! I can't imagine Bentley NOT likeing chickens ;)

  17. Hi Susan,
    I just love your red & white chicken sign! Your entire blog is one I will definitely follow! Thanks for your sweet comments! ~ Susie

  18. Hi Susan! You just left a comment on my blog so I had to come check out that precious little pup! I have a few chicks in my kitchen and I love them!!! Love the vintage feel of your sign, too cute!! Have a great day!

  19. i love the chicken sign. I have chicken and rooster things all over the place.
    I do think a blanket with chickens on it for Bentley would be so cute! Bently is very cute too!

  20. Thanks for participating in "Stalk Hop Friday"! Next week's Follow Linkys will be Networked Blogs & GFC (w/ 2 linkys everyone has a chance to participate!), make sure you stop by and link up again! - Sorry I'm so late -

    I'm following you on GFC with both my blog:

  21. I've been suffering from chicken fever for about 20 years, so I'm sorry to tell you that there is no known cure!
    Happy REDnesday!

  22. Chicken fever, huh? You know the next stage is wanting some live ones of your own, don't you???

  23. You had me with that picture of Bentley. I just became your follower too! Thank you for stopping by with that very nice compliment! Have a great day, Susan!

  24. Love that sign ~ it's as cute as a button. I can't see Bentley curling up on a chicken blanket ~ you make me giggle

  25. Ok that sign was to cute! I want one.. Where did you find it? I am crazy about chickens and roosters now and I NEVER really like a country look! Oh well guess things change :)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.