Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dreaming of Spring on the Porch

It's a cold gray February morning ...
but in my heart I am dreaming of spring.
I'm longing for a sunny morning with the light filtering
through the trees and sweet blossoms to brighten the path
to my door.

I'm longing to sit on the porch with a cup of tea
and planning a garden while Bentley
chases the squirrels.

I'm dreaming of clay pots filled with flowers and
sweet little birdhouses.

Ah well ...
Just a dream for now!

Lets go visit some sunny friends ~

Sweet Bentley ~ think of all the fun we will have in the garden
this spring and summer!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Love the porch, great pic, so cozy! Have a great weekend!

  2. I just can not wait the snow is thigh high right now and we are getting more this week.
    come on spring.

  3. Lovely shots of your porch! I'm dreaming of Spring on our porch too. I miss having my morning cup of coffee out there. It's snowing again, so I think the groundhog is a liar!

  4. Enjoy the dreams for now!!! Soon they will come true.
    Hugs, Jen

  5. I sooooo agree. I can't wait to sit on my porch. Yours looks so cozy and inviting!

  6. With snow up to our eyeballs... it's nice to see flowers and sunshine! Thanks for stopping by, and your sweet comment! I am your newest follower.

  7. I dream of the day when we can be retired to a cottage as charming and lovely as yours. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  8. Just lovely! I'd come and sit a spell on your porch any day :)


  9. I love your front porch Susan especially with the American flag country American!!
    Love your new banner very elegant!
    Pamela xo

  10. we are on the same wavelength...check out my porch envy post!
    too funny!
    you have such a cute it!!

  11. Lovin' the pic of your porch Susan! Looks like a very welcoming place to relax and enjoy the day:@)

  12. Susan, it's back up in the 70s here again today so it feels like spring. Then tomorrow it is suppose to drop below freezing again for a few days. Our poor trees and plants aren't going to know what to do.
    Lovely images. ~ Sarah

  13. Your porch looks so sweet and comfortable. I was thinking about going through some pictures from warmer days just to get a lift! Sounds good!


  14. Susan, Beautiful pics. Spring is just around the corner, we just don't know what corner yet. It is like a cool spring day here today but will be freezing my the middle of the week and they say we will have snow again. I hope the weatherman is wrong this time. Hope you have a wonderful fun filled week and give Bentley a big hug for me.

  15. Me too. Oh, I can't wait for winter to end and for spring to begin!


  16. What a beautiful porch, would love to sit there.

  17. Now that is one sweet porch!! We are having a thaw here, it hit 40 degrees!


  18. Oh, how I want your house! I'm so glad we are together on the porch today. I made tea also (well, pretend tea. You know I'm a coffee girl. But it just didn't sound as romantic.)

  19. I'm dreaming with you, cause I'm getting a little weary of winter. Don't forget we're supposed to remind each other to buy hollyhock seeds this spring.

  20. i'll be following you from here on out--you even play great music on your blog (which, normally, i do not care for!).

  21. Susan,
    I love your porch. Oh how I would love to be visiting with you and Bentley on my lap on your porch. Maybe some day...
    Kisses, Bentley.

  22. My puppy and I are dreaming of spring and summer too. Lovely Porch !

  23. Susan,

    Your porch is SO cute! I love it!

    I'm with you! I'm ready for this cold yucky weather to be gone asap! (unfortunately, I'm afraid we have to wait awhile longer...)

    Have a great day!
    Pam @ Our Adventures in Home Improvement

  24. Thanks so much for visiting my little blog. Im ur latest follower. We dont get much snow here in FL, well, we really dont get any, he he. I love the porch, and Bentley is so cute! ile check by often to see what ur up to, im sure i wont be disappointed, LOL.........Bonnie

  25. Your porch is so pretty! Thank you for coming by and visiting me and following along I am now your newest follower.

  26. Hi Susan & Bentley,
    I'm so glad that you stopped by to celebrate Yorkshire Pudding Day with us yesterday.
    It was good to sit on the porch with the two of you and chat for a while about our gardens this morning, roll on Spring.

  27. How sweet Bentley and the porch! They fit so well together ... made for each other ... now that's romance!! ... and dreaming of Spring doesn't hurt either ; )


  28. you have a lovely home and beautiful porch, i could imagine myself sitting there all day long with a cup of tea in summer time, lovely photos and thanks for sharing! :)

  29. Your porch looks so pretty! And you have you dreaming for spring.

    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  30. Hi Susan,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I Love your photos and am also dreaming of Spring, but with 16 inches of snow, it may take awhile to get here.
    Your newest follower

  31. Hi, Susan. So happy to meet you. We were very cold here last week, but the week before & now this week, temps are back into the 70's and 80's. I don't think the cold damaged anything and we actually have pansies, alyssum & various other things blooming that we planted last fall. Weather every where seems to be so weird, huh? Thanks for becoming a follower and I am now following you.

  32. Hi Susan, What a great post, I think we're all wishing for spring right about now. I love your porch and Bentley too!! Thanks so much for visiting my new blog and becoming a follower. I'm becoming your newest follower too. Have a great day, Martina

  33. Hi Bentley! My mom is your 400th follower!!!

    Glad you stopped by!

    Juno (Woof!)

  34. I'm dreaming of summer too!! I want a garden this year. We'll see if it happens!

  35. You read my mind, I'm dreaming of spring too! Glad I found you through Debbiedoos!

  36. Hi Susan! Thanks for visiting my blog & following! I'm now following back! Have a great day! :) Allison

  37. Susan,
    We are looking forward to Spring at our house too! I actually posted about Spring Cleaning today!
    Your porch inspires me to plan for some work outside too!
    Have a great day!

  38. Just picture me right beside you (and Bentley) sitting on your porch..... dream of spring and all that it has to offer.....

  39. What a great porch! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am your follower now. I think your little dog is adorable. We have a mini schnauzer that we absolutely love. She loves to be outside and we both are done with this BAD weather. Have a great week!

  40. wow! what a beautiful cottage, you're so lucky to have an amazing porch like that! Thank you for your comment on my chalkboard chandelier today. I'm very happy to be following your lovely blog now.


  41. I too can't wait for winter to end, but it's here for a reason. It helps us remember the beauty in our life. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  42. LOVE the last picture of the porch! It looks like I could walk right up, sit down, drink iced tea, & pet Bentley. Thank you for finding my blog on DebbieDoos and becoming a follower of my page.
    -Coffee Cowgirl

  43. Wow, that porch so beautiful! Thank you for sharing at Masterpiece Monday. Have a nice week! Mary :O)

  44. Susan,

    I love your porch!! Totally divine and romantic. ♥

    Stephanie ♥

  45. You have a darling porch, and I really love your blog header.
    Lisa x


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.