Monday, March 21, 2011

Oooh Baby!

I love vintage silver and I really like this vintage baby cup and
fork and spoon. T he graphics in this vintage baby book
are wonderful too.

A 1941 copyright and there were never any entries in the book.
Too bad. Maybe the new mom was so busy she didn't have time to
write in the book. We'll just have to use our imaginations.

Maybe I should fill the pages with pics and stories about Bentley
when he was a pup.

So this is what is on my table top today. Stop by and visit
Marty for more Table Top Tuesday ideas.

When Bentley was a tiny little pup, I was concerned about running the
vacuum because I didn't want to scare him. I put him in his little bed
and started cleaning. It turned out that as tiny as he was, he had no
fear of the vacuum. Instead he ran after it barking and trying to bite
the Dyson. He was and still is a fearless little guy!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Cold, icy rain over here all day! Hot cocoa night for sure, sugar.

  2. Love the baby silver. I have a couple of cups I use to put dried flowers. Little dogs are mighty

  3. Susan, just this last week, I picked up a baby cup with baby fork and spoon at a local thrift store. I have a friend who collects silver baby cups, so I figured I'd give it to her. She fills a bowl with them. ;-)

  4. Chase that vac Bentley, my German Shepard does the same thing. Mine can actually snap the wheels right off my upright. LOL
    I have some tiny vintage silver spoon, that have been handed down I'm sure they are baby spoons. Mine sure are tarnished compared to yours.

  5. Susan ~ love the baby cup and vintage baby book. Bentley is sooo much like Mindy. She runs after the vacuum and the dust mop ~ doncha just love it ;-)

  6. I also love old silver also. The baby silver is especially charming.

  7. I love your silver cup. I also love your header with the vintage linens on it. That got me at hello! hahaha...Beautiful blog you have.

  8. Love the baby items. Luckily I have mine, my husbands and my moms silver cups in a cabinet and was a older post. I have my moms and mine baby books that will be a future post.
    My Heidi is a german shepard and she hates when I vacum!

  9. Hi Susan and Bentley...
    Oh sweetie what a beautiful share today. I love this baby cup, silverware and that book is just precious. I too, find things that were never used, and wonder why? I think putting Bentley in there from the time he was a pup is a wonderful idea. You could fill it right on up. Maybe even put his paw print in there for safe keeping. How sweet that would be.

    I hope you will share when you have it complete. Hello to sweet Bentley from Bruiser. Hope you two had a wonderful day. My day was SO busy at work. My whole week is going to be pretty much like that. It makes my day go fast though.

    Have a glorious Tuesday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  10. Oh my... I also have a thing for vintage silver pieces, and these are absolutely adorable!

    Thank you to you and Bentley for stopping by to visit! He sure is a cutie pie!
    I'm your new follower now too!

    hugs, Sherri:)

  11. What sweet items. The baby cup is really charming.

    Of course Bentley isn't afraid of the vacuum. He's a terrier through and through no matter what size he is ;-)

  12. Precious baby items. Theodore tries to bite the vacuum, too! Silly poochie!
    xoxo to you, too, Bentley :)

  13. HI Susan! How precious! I just love the sweet baby things and the little baby book is darling. I'm sure who ever owned the baby book just didn't jot down things. I'll bet she wished she did.
    I tried to keep up with my children's baby books and I'm so glad I did. It's fun to look back and see when they did what! ;)
    Chloe Dawn sends a couple of sweet licks to Bentley and I'm thrilled you'll come to my party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  14. Oh that baby book looks fabulous! Bentley sounds adorable.


  15. I love old baby books too, Susan. I have several and the graphics are just so cute! The silver cup is sweet too. Bentley sounds like a hoot! How much fun you must have with him! Have a lovely day!

  16. Ohhhh I love your silver and baby book!
    Dee Dee

  17. Hi Susan,
    I love the baby book...I have mine and I also have my baby cup and spoon. I believe they are vintage now!lol....
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  18. Hi Susan,
    I love the baby cup! I still have my oldest son's cup. Very precious are these items! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy this nice Spring day.


  19. My Bentley always runs and tries to bite the vacuum cleaner. I have my baby cup but it is copper!! Loved seeing your pretty!

  20. So sweet! My favorite gifts that were given to my children as newborns are their little silver pieces. Definitely keepers! -diane

  21. It's such a thrill to find a little baby cup. I have a room full of dolls so I have a good place to display special treasures! ♥


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