Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vintage Needlepoint and China

There are two things I always keep my eye out for whenever I visit
antique, consignment or thrift shops and they are ...

Vintage china and vintage needlepoint.
I love the soft muted floral patterns found on vintage china
and often on needlepoint too.

I love needlepoint covering stools and for cushions.
I am often amazed at how inexpensive these pieces are because
I know how many hours were spent creating them.

I once had a friend who introduced me to needlepoint and I made
a few pieces, but then I started quilting so I never stitched any more pieces.

So now I just enjoy finding them.

I am joining Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday

No Bentley, we are not getting a bulldog puppy. Daddy
just likes to bring up the topic from time to time.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Just love Vintage China and like you whenever I look at vintage needlepoint, I wonder about the person who made it. It makes me smile ;-)

  2. Love the china; such gorgeous colours!

    Say hi to Bentley for me!


  3. Beautiful pieces, Susan. Hope you are better!

    Bentley, tell Daddy "This town's only big enough for one dog!"

  4. Now a bulldog puppy would really give that Thelma a run for her money! (Did I get the chicken's name right? Late in the day. I start doubting my memory.)

  5. Exquisite pieces, Susan. I so love the needlepoint & used to do it myself. Gorgeous treasures ... oh, Bentley, no new pals?! Hope you are better, Susan.

    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~


  6. I used to needlepoint all the time. I saw a neat kit for William and Kate's wedding, and I thought about working it.....but I don't have as much time as I used to!!!

    Nice pieces, by the way!

  7. I have several pieces of needlepoint that I did years ago. I do not do it anymore as my eyes are just not up to the work. You have some very pretty pieces.

  8. Those are great needlepoint pieces. I hardly ever see them at thrift stores. Great finds.

  9. Beautiful dishes. I love needlepoint too. It amazes me at how we can find so much of it at so little price. I always think about the hours that have gone into a piece. ~~Sherry~~

  10. Your dishes are so pretty and I love the needlepoint. When you think of all the hours and hours each piece took to complete, it's amazing they aren't more expensive. I really appreciate their beauty.

  11. Very lovely needlepoint. And beautiful china too! I love delicate dishes.


  12. I really like the needlepoint! My mother in law gave me a stool she did with pink roses on it but have never bought any.

  13. Susan, I've been a needlepoint stitcher since childhood. I love it! You are wise to pick up pieces that you like when you find them. It does take many hours and needlepoint is an expensive hobby. You have some lovely pieces! ~ Sarah

  14. Oh, Susan, I too just love vintage needlepoint. Your pieces are so pretty. I've cross stitched in the past and recently did a needlepoint. I can't believe the prices either. It's robbery. PS - I bought my hollyhock seeds today! I can't wait for some warm weather.

  15. I am a huge sucker for vintage needlepoint too. Love the florals especially. Thanks for sharing your sweet little pretties!

  16. I'm a quilter, too...I can SOOOOO appreciate the tedious handwork of needlepoint and cross stitch! Beautiful pieces - Happy Thursday - Tanya

  17. Your examples of vintage needlepoint are lovely, Susan. I just bought a vintage needlepoint pillow of an owl that's a bit dirty, but I know once I restore it, it will be charming. Floral dishes are items I keep my eye out for too. Especially the hand-painted ones. So pretty. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Cottage and Creek. Have a wonderful day.

  18. I love vintage china too. The needlepoint is really pretty as well.

  19. Thank you for stopping by The Hut and inviting me over to meet Bentley, I always love having a dog greet me when I'm out visiting and he's a real cutie pie.

    I adore needlepoint and you're right, it takes hours and hours to complete a piece. I took a class quite a few years ago, it was such fun getting together with a great group of friends every week. We were at different levels of expertise and there was always someone there to help you master a new stitch. I had produced about half a dozen pieces over several years and packed them together when I moved from California to Florida. Yep, you guessed it, that was the one box the movers managed to loose. I never made another, but appreciate finding a wonderful piece and wondering about the woman who so carefully stitched it. Was she sitting with friends as I had, or was she finding time to add a few rows as a young child slept. That's what makes them so special, there is a story behind each one.

  20. Your floral vintage plate is quite similar to my Mildred pattern (I blogged about it a while back) In fact - - - the center floral design is just about identical!

  21. I am also a china junkie, especially anything in soft colors and floral!

  22. Lucky you for finding them. I never seem to find anything like these in all my haunts!! Lovely. Happy VTT!

  23. I too love needlepoint, but it takes way too much time and I don't have the patience. I prefer like you to find mine. The China is pretty too. Love mix and match for tables.
    And Bentley....Shadow heard your Bulldog question.....He said good idea to get a second pal to round up that Chicken.

  24. Your vintage china and needle point pieces are so pretty! So many hours go into those textiles -- it just amazes me.

  25. Ooh, I love china and needlepoint, too, Susan! And you have some really pretty pieces of both. By the way, Bentley really wants you to reconsider the bulldog pup. He needs a playmate. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party. I hope to have you join the fun each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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