Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vintage Bark Cloth

It's beginning to feel a bit like spring here. Temps up to 50 degrees
and lots of rain. My daffodils are starting to peek up through
the soil in front of my porch and I want to get the garden ready.

I also feel like decorating the porch and lawn chairs.
The other day I was in my favorite consignment shop and I found this
wonderful piece of vintage Bark Cloth. I just love the vibrant colors and
I know it will make a lovely cushion for one of my vintage lawn chairs.
I just hope that I can find some more pretty vintage fabrics to re-do
the cushions on the porch.

I am joining Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday

Bentley's favorite porch chair is the big vintage wicker one.
Thelma the chicken prefers the vintage rocker.
Bentley does not want her perching on either one!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh how I love barkcloth. I need to redo my chaise lounge cushion for the front porch. lucky find!

  2. Pretty fabric Susan, very happy:@)

  3. I love bark cloth. I was lucky to find several pillow last summer. They are perfect on the glider on the porch at the cabin!


  4. Great fabric! I think it will look so nice on your porch.

    Had to laugh about Bentley and the chicken... Very funny!

    Have a great day.

  5. I am so with you on all of bark cloth, want to get in the garden, and the idea of decorating the porch....priceless!!!!

  6. I've never heard of bark cloth, I wonder if I've seen it and didn't know what it was??? Hmmm! I have some vintage chenille bed spreads and I'm tempted to make cushions out of them . . . what do you think? Duke like our wicker love seat, he'll share with Bentley!

  7. I love the floral barkcloths. That will make wonderful pillows.

  8. Susan,
    Beautiful fabric! Grand Hotel is on tonight at 7 pm with Garbo on TCM. Did you know Ann at A Sentimental Life is from the same town as me? We went to the same school and her Dad taught me Science in high school. She and her cousin used to stay at our Inn at least twice a year :)
    Bentley, guard those new cushions from chickens!

  9. I absolutely adore vintage bark cloth. Yours is sooo pretty ~ it's going to look FAB U LOUS~!

  10. Beautiful bark cloth, what a find. The last piece I found was so smelly, I had to leave it. Bark Cloth around here is very hard to come by. Yours has such a pretty pattern. Happy VTT!

  11. 50 degrees and daffodils, I am so jealous! Have fun with your makeovers!


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