Friday, March 4, 2011

Whatcha Doin Bentley?

Bentley ~
Mama is going to paint a chair, do you want to watch?
~ No

Do you want to go looking at Antiques over in Hyde Park with me?
~ No

Do you want to go visit Thelma the chicken?
~ No

Do you want to chase squirrels in your yard?
~ You betcha!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I hope you catch lots of squirrels, Bentley!

  2. Bentley, please don't chase the squirrels in my direction. We have enough of our own!! Thank you, cutie!

  3. Oh Bentley you DO know a good time when you see it!

    You'd enjoy our yard - - - we have a plethora of both BLACK and GRAY squirrels.

  4. Hey Susan...I let my little dog out in our back yard yesterday. She had the best time chasing squirrels and sniffing all around. When she came in her mouth and paws were BLACK! I nearly died she was so dirty. I had to give a quick bath but it was worth it. Your little Bentley is adorable.
    They are such good friends aren't they? Have a good weekend. ~Ann

  5. Wish Bentley were around to chase the squirrels in my yard. Maybe he could keep them out of my attic.

  6. Bentley you are just too cute!!! So adorable no wonder why your mama just loves you!!

    Pamela xo

  7. Now that sounds like a perfect doggy day! Happy Weekend:@)

  8. My dogs Maggie and Jack want to come and help, the more the merrier when it comes to the fine art of the chase!

  9. Hi Bentley ~ can Mindy come over and help you chase squirrels ~ that's her favourite ;-)

  10. I think Bentley is soooo cute, reminds me of my first dog ever, we called him skeeter(short for Mosquito) he was so tiny:)

  11. Bentley has more of an exciting life than I do! ;-D


  12. Oh Bentley you're just adorable! Chase those pesky squirrels!

    Sharon and Max

  13. I'd love to see him chasing that chicken!

  14. Could we borrow Bentley for a few days? We have a bunny that is eating everything in the garden..
    Thanks for stopping by..It's been a while since I made a visit..I love all your music choices..and stayed a while to enjoy listening to your selections..

  15. What a cutie! I just had to look around on your blog! I love it! ♥

  16. This is so funny! Mr. J, who we got in November, is obsessed with the squirrels in our yard! He gets wicked excited when he sees them and barks like crazy. He's been inside all winter long, but once the weather gets nice and he's out in the yard, I have no idea what he'd do if he ever caught one! (Although I don't really think that will ever happen - they're pretty fast!)... Donna


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