Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fall Decor and Good News/Bad News

I took these photos late yesterday afternoon.  I felt so happy and relieved
to learn that my Mom's heart rate and blood pressure would soon be returning
to healthier levels.  The cardiologist took her off of a med that she had been
taking for years.  He believes that it was causing the rapid fluctuations in 
heart beat and blood pressure.  Once it is flushed out of her system, she
should be feeling much better.

The bad news is that this morning I walked barefoot into my laundry room and
was bit by either a wasp or a spider on the "this little piggie had none" toe.  That's the
one next to the pinkie toe.  I don't know if it was a spider or a wasp, because by the time 
I looked down, it was gone, except for a part of the insect.  Immediate pain and
swelling.  Ouch!!!

So now I am sitting on the couch with my laptop watching a series of Meg Ryan 
movies.  You know the ones I like ~ When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle and
of course ~ You've Got Mail.

You know how things always seem to come in threes?
Well ...

I think I am coming down with a cold now too.  
When life gives you lemons, add a few slices to your hot tea.  Although it's 
painful to walk to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

So ...
I'm linking to 

and visiting you!

Bentley ~ I wish you could go out to the kitchen and put the kettle on
for me, but the kisses are making me feel better.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Great news for your mom. Glad everything worked out fine. Sorry to hear about your bite and your oncoming cold. Feel better soon!!

  2. Yay! Mother iwll be feeling like doing the jig soon. Sorry about your lil' piggy & hope that that cold is short lived.

    Take care, sweet lady.

  3. Glad your Mom's doing better Susan! Sorry to hear about the bite, that's not fun. I may be joining you with the cold-take care:@)

  4. So glad to hear your mother is doing better. Relax and enjoy your down time with your movies.
    My fave is You've got mail. Put a baking soda mix on your toe to take the sting out.
    Take care!

  5. I'm lucky that with all the time I spend outdoors, I haven't been stung in ages. I've wondered if it isn't the medication in my system...

  6. oh my goodness.. just rest- take some vitamin C just to ward off any infection, maybe a good soak in warm water and baking soda which helps draw out any poisen..
    feel better soon and thanks for the good news about your Mom.

  7. Ouch Susan!
    That sounds like you are having an allergic reaction? Be careful! Might have been a poisonous spider.
    I hope you are feeling better soon.


    LOVE your plaid header...every time I come by I smile and swoon. :)

  8. Oh ouch girlfriend,
    I hope the swelling goes down fast and you feel better very soon.
    If I was there, I would put the kettle on for you!!

  9. Sorry about your lil' piggy toe, ouch that hurts! Feel better soon and glad to hear your Mom is going to be "right as rain" Hugs and Happy Weekend! Marilou

  10. Be sure your "cold" is not part of an allergic reaction to the sting! Watch carefully for any worsening of the swelling or difficulty in breathing. Call the doctor if it doesn't improve pronto.

    (I am a worrywort I know, but a little caution and watchfulness isn't a bad thing!)

    But it's great news about your mom!! Medications can be tricky that way.

    Hope everything is all better very soon!!

  11. Wonderful news about your Mother and I'm sorry about your toe and your cold. Let Bentley take care of you! Wishing you well.

  12. I'm so happy for your mother's wonderful news on her health, that is a relief for everyone. I'm so sorry for your toe and cold, hope is nothing mayor and you get better soon. Please have it checked Susan if you get a fever. Thank you for hosting. I love your photos, each one is so pretty. Hugs, FABBY

  13. Great news for your mother. So sorry about the sting or bite.
    Be careful with that.
    At least you know that it was an insect.

  14. I hope you start to feel better soon from all those puppy kisses!!

  15. I am so happy your mother is better. :D GREAT news!

  16. Glad to hear your mom will be feeling much better, but sorry that you may be getting sick....Hope you and your toe feel better asap! Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  17. Always love to visit you - if just to hear you wonderful musical selections! Now, Fred singing to Ginger! Thanks for the comfort sounds. Bless you as you struggle with a cold - and your mom as she's recovering! May Bentley bring you both some extra love and comfort!

  18. Bentley you need to keep up the puppy kisses and make mommie feel better soon. If I were close by I would bring you some chicken noodle soup. That's always suppose to make you feel better. So glad your mom is ok. Take care and get some rest and enjoy the movies. My favorite is Sleepless in Seattle.

    Hugs to you and Bentley.

  19. OOO, poor little "piggy had none" toe. I'm sorry..and hope it feels better soon.

    Love your pretty.

  20. You are on oral antibiotics? Please say yes. You can loose a toe or a foot from a spider bite. I am a RN. Please take care.

  21. I wish Bentley could take care of you. Well, I know he can take care of you in ways of comfort, but I do wish you had someone to put on the kettle on.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. I'm so glad that your Mom is doing better.
    Ouch on the insect sting! Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.


  23. Such good news about your mom. The wasps around our area are mean and aggressive right now, hope you don't have too bad of a reaction...Bentley will take good care of you!

  24. That is great news about your Mom!! Sorry about your ouchie sting/bite! Good that Bentley is taking good care of you. Benadryl should help too.
    Those are beautiful berries. What are they?

  25. I hope you do fill better soon. You have a wonderful blog here. I joined by email.

  26. Glad to hear the good news about your mom, but certainly sorry to hear that you are in pain. Hope you can get some relief.
    Beautiful flowers. ~ Sarah

  27. Feel better, friend and take care of YOU!

  28. Ditto on the good news/bad news, Susan--all of them, and I have to comment on the beautiful bittersweet (I'm assuming that's what it is, right?). We planted a bush (girl/boy mix??) but never got many berries. The thing was growing like crazy so we finally cut it way back, so if these are from your garden, I'm jealous!! Beautiful pictures of them! Get well!

  29. good news/bad news is right!

    ouch, hope you are pain free soon


  30. beautiful pics with good and bad news... hope your walking well today~

  31. Oh my goodness, I just love your blog! Now I'm your follower too. Come back and visit me again soon, I will be stopping by yours often!
    Amber @junkaholicsunanimous


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