Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cozy Cottage Elements

I want to thank all of you who come to visit me.  I have not been very good about 
returning the favor, and I do apologize.  Life has been very hectic around my
cottage for the last several weeks.  My Mom was ill several times, my hubby
David was too and then my Mother-in-Law passed away.  

I have been trying to balance all of my obligations, and frankly, blog reading
just took a back seat.  Now things seem to be settling down to a more
normal pattern and I will be happily following and commenting on all of
the great and creative blogs I love so much.

So until then, here are a couple of mosaics I have put together to bring the "cozy" 
feeling back into my little cottage and to share than coziness with you.

What a great group of friends I have made and I thank you from the bottom
of my heart!

I am linking up to ~

Bentley ~ your Auntie Robin flew over Idaho today on her way to
visit her daughter Taylor in Washington State.  Did you remember to look
up and send her a kiss?

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a lot you've had on your plate over the past weeks. I hope life settles down for you again. My sympathy on the loss of your mother-in-law.

  2. You've had a lot of life happening around you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to take some time for yourself. Please know that I'm thinking of you .

  3. I hope things get better for you. Love that COZY feeling.

  4. Such sadness...I am sorry for your loss. Your mosaics in pastel colors are just lovely though. Wishing happier times to come your way.

  5. So very beautiful. I love visiting your blog. It is so "cozy" and friendly. Hope things are going well for you. Hang in there. We all have those times. Karie

  6. Wishing you a peaceful week...sounds like you really need it!!!

  7. I am so sorry you have had a difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Ricki Jill

  8. Your cottage mosaics are cozy and heart warming, many of the same things I love about this type of decor.
    A shame that illness and the passing of your MIL happened around the same time; here's hoping your life becomes a little less stressful with the approaching holidays.

  9. Very pretty mosaics! I love that sweet little chair! I'm sorry things have been so difficult...don't worry about visiting when you don't have time! We'll be here when you do! Happy Monday! ♥

  10. Oh dear, that is a lot to have to deal with all at once! I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for sharing your beautiful mosaics with us. I hope that life settles down for you soon! xoxo

  11. I'm so sorry to hear of all your difficulties recently, expecially death in the family. My condolences to you and your family. May God strenghten each one and give you comfort.

  12. Sweetheart, life happens to all of us. When you find the time to visit you will, and in the meantime..home and family are your priorities and that's as it should be. We are always here.
    Hugs and love to you,

  13. Hi Susan... whew girlie......your plate has been full. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, mom and hubby... You were missed, but surely understand why you were gone... it's all about priorities, right?

    Sending comforting hugs..........


  14. I'm very sorry for your loss and the illnesses, Susan. Please don't worry about not visiting blogs...real life happens and we all know how important it is...we'll be here when you are! XO

  15. I'm so sorry to hear of all that's been going on in your life. Your plate has been full. I know there are many out there in blog land that write you off if you don't visit constantly. My life doesn't allow for that. I enjoy blogging and visiting but can't always do it all. So, I completely understand. I enjoy your visits, but don't worry about it on my account. Happy to hear that you are cozying up your cottage.

    - The Tablescaper


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.