Monday, November 21, 2011

It's All in the Details

What makes your home uniquely yours?  Have you ever walked into 
someone's home and had the feeling that the owners purchased every little
detail from a popular store?  A house that has been so depersonalized that
it does not look like a home?  

As a designer, I have seen it before.  I once had a client who did not think
that the members of her family were very attractive, so she thought that she
should keep the photos of the models who came in the picture frames she purchased
because they were so much more attractive than her family members.
How sad is that?

As we fluff our cottages this week and in the coming weeks getting ready to
welcome family and friends, let's remember to keep the "home" in our cottages.
Let's let our personalities shine through.  It's what makes each of us
unique and special!

I am off to visit Marty who gives us all great inspiration to
feather our nests.

Bentley ~ are you still napping?  Actually that's a good thing so that the
squirrels can peacefully eat the squash that I put out for them without
being disturbed.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi there, Great post; I love seeing peoples nests because I get a sense of who they are and if they just staged it, you can't know their personalities. I've never seen anyone use models photos because they are prettier. Thanks for reminding us to let our personalities shine through.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

  2. Susan ~ love this post. How true. Our homes should be a reflection of ourselves and our families. Mine certainly is, it is ~ it is full of everything we love. There is no wrong way to decorate if you follow your heart ;-)

  3. So true Susan. I buy vintage and second hand and have been since I was a young teen. New items have so little appeal for me. I follow my heart as Vintage Gal above states so well.

  4. I hear you, Susan! If I love it, it comes to my home. So everything surrounding me is me! Make sense?!


  5. Amazing post! I hear you!
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  6. Susan,
    To me, it is so much more personal when you walk into a home and see all a person's things around them that they love. It makes a house a home.
    Bentley, hope your nap-y was good!

  7. You make me smile Susan, with the comment about Bentley and the squirrel. I love that movie called Up.... have you seen it? Perfect for dog lovers and their owners.... and especially dogs who chase squirrels!
    Lovely post. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  8. So very true and a great reminder.

  9. Oh I love the hunt and if I like it I buy it. You have such lovely thing and always displayed beautifully. Thanks so much for joining TTT and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  10. Hello Susan, Thank you for visiting my Blog on PS. We traveled that day to Fl and my visits are belated.

    I have walked into houses that are cold and impersonal and I have seen houses that are void of anything on the walls. Both houses are like no one lives there. Personal touches brings warmth and the feeling that you are welcome into a special home where there is love and happiness. Decorating is not successful unless there is warmth and personal touches absolutely. You are so right.

    We have a darling poodle pup and we love her like you love your Bentley. Your posts always make me smile.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Sooo true. It's what turns a house into a home. Mimi

  12. I hate homes with all new stuff in them. Well I don't hate them but I never feel like I want to have that style at least. I love cozy homes all full up with old and vintage things with lots of texture and color. That makes me say wow! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  13. I love your spoon collection! My house is pleasantly full of all sorts of things that used to belong to my MIL and my parents, or me as a little kid. I love it that way, and I can't even imagine a house without those memories. (No worries, not a hoarder or anything like that.)
    It sure made me sad to think of the woman who didn't want pictures of her own family in the house. Especially since this is Thanksgiving week, when we enjoy having all of our family near, and celebrating the unique blessings in our lives.
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.