Friday, December 23, 2011

Survey ~ What Are You Serving For Christmas Dinner?

What is your traditional Christmas Dinner?
Is it roast turkey or ham, roast beef or goose?
Or perhaps you are a vegan or vegetarian.

Our traditional Christmas dinner is a very British one.
Although the Brits are not known for their fine cuisine (sorry to all of
my British friends) we always serve roast beef.  It's a standing rib
roast served with horseradish sauce, Yorkshire pudding (in honor
of Bentley's roots) and Brussel sprouts (much to hubby's chagrin).

Dessert is always a pecan pie ~ especially for David who is from Texas.

One year while I was living in Bahrain, I had 25 friends over for Christmas 
dinner.  I had the only Christmas tree ~ a spindly little thing shipped in from
Jordan.  I roasted a turkey which took forever because the thermostat in my
oven was not working.  I ended up putting the bird in my neighbor's cooker.

Guests brought specialties like smoked salmon from Scotland consumed with
bottles of champagne.  One fellow brought over caviar from the Caspian Sea
which was excellent.  He brought along several bottles of Russian Vodka
that he froze in ice.  By the time we got around to the turkey everyone was
feeling extremely jolly.  We were all wearing those funny little hats that come
out of the Christmas poppers.  I steamed plum pudding in a pressure cooker and 
that's what we had for dessert.  Everyone told me it was the best Christmas
party they had ever attended.  Must have been ~ because the next morning
my house was a mess.  

But ... one of the guests thought to send his houseboy over in the morning
to clean up!  What a blessing that was.

What is your favorite tradition for Christmas dinner?  Or what is your
favorite memory of a Christmas celebration?

The best thing about celebrating Christmas is sharing it with those 
you love.  For me, those the best memories of all!

Susan and Bentley


  1. This year I won't be cooking on Christmas Day, as we're invited out to celebrate with our daughter's future in-laws. On Christmas Eve we'll have a Danish meal that's traditional for the evening - many kinds of marinated herring, cold open-faced sandwiches with shrimp and with salmon, frikadeller with red cabbage and potatoes etc etc - all delicious!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful party Susan

    We had our Christmas meal today since thats when folks were available.

    the 25th is my birthday and I'm having chinese lol..I think one should eat what they want on their birthday so I am.. I asked for apple pie instead of a cake , so thats dessert.

    Have a Merry Christmas
    soft hugs to Bently. I hope he finds something he loves in his stocking.
    My pom girls are getting new collars- a toy and 1 bag of bacon treats each..
    Furbabies are such fun , they always love thier gifts and jump for joy and twirl around.
    I love watching them.

  3. Your Christmas party overseas sounds like so much fun and you can't beat roast beef and Yorkshire pud,ummmmmm. We have roast turkey with all the trimmings and traditional plum pudding with custard. Even though the weather is going to be over 30%c,we eat our hot dinner with the air con on. Merry Christmas xx jeanetteann

  4. We usually have chili on Christmas Eve, it has become a sort of tradition!

  5. Dear Susan, what a lovely post! My favorite memories are probably from childhood with my 3 sisters, 3 brothers, parents and grandparents, and the year I rec'd a Cinderella watch! LOL!!!

    As and adult, my favorite Christmas memories have been the ones shared with my husband, especially our 1st. This year I will miss my mother's company and preparing special dinners for her. She left a lot of heavy hearts when she passed away in September.

    Our dinners have become roast beef or a crown roast pork, we also like brussel sprouts, well, me more than my husband! LOL!!! For dessert we have cake!

    Sounds like you had a fantastic party when you lived in Bahrain! Wouldn't you love to have that houseboy sent over every year! LOL!!! I know I would!

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas Susan... and Bentley too! Nope, never have done the traditional British dinner....although I am nearly all English.... :-) We generally do ham, but this year we're going to a restaurant......I've NEVER done that before, so it's something new.....then to the movies.....

    Have a wonderful day...


  7. Beef roast cooked in beef stock and red wine w/ onions & mushrooms. Roasted baby reds and brussel sprouts. Hot rolls. And for dessert Spotted Dick w/ custard sauce. Very British indeed :-}

    Lori Lynn

  8. I don't cook Christmas dinner anymore! Thanksgiving is enough for me but hubby helps me make a huge yummy breakfast after presents on Christmas morn! ♥

  9. Well, I'm a vegetarian, although sometimes Don will have turkey. This year, we'll have mashed potatoes, biscuits, cranberry sauce, asparagus, maybe a meat substitute, pumpkin pie. That's more than enough for us!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Susan!


  10. having my brother and SIL over to have the dinner my Grandmother, then my Mom and now I cook.
    Usually beef or pork but this year turkey, twice baked pot., brocoli casserole, dressing, noodles, waldorf salad. I pull out the envelope in my Mom's handwriting that says "Christmas recipes"

    Merry Christmas to you, Bentley and your entire family! Give your Mom a hug for me.

  11. I cooked and cooked on Thanksgiving...not doing it for Christmas! Maybe some chili. Maybe.

    Merry Christmas!

  12. It's all about keeping it simple on Christmas Day, so this year it's lasagna, Cesar salad, garlic bread and cherry pie. And I think I have a red and green thing going there, too. Merry Christmas!

  13. it sounds like the perfect party!!! lol about the hats!! i can just imagine the fun you all had!

    we change up the menu each year. this year it is pork tenderloin with an orange glaze, roasted root vegetables and orzo pasta and yams.

    have a very merry Christmas!!


    ps: bentley, hope you get some table scraps!

  14. Your Christmas past sounds like alot of fun ~ however Christmas present is always the best. We will serve traditional Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, mashed potatoes and ofcourse, pumpkin pie (Britt's request) with whipping cream. Chessie, our new member of the family will get his kibble and maybe a doggie bone for dessert ~ we need to keep him healthy ;-)
    Mr. Vintage is feeling much better, having Chessie around ~ BEST Christmas present ever ~!
    (((HUGS))) to all of you ~ Chessie sends out a woof for Bentley

  15. I too love the traditional British dinner (or tea as it's called there). I cooked a ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, buttered corn, peas and green bean casserole with hot rolls. Dessert was the assorted cookies I'd baked and a pumpkin pie.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.