Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Invitation to a Quilting Tea

There are two things I really enjoy ~ sipping tea and quilting.

I wish you could all come over and join me.  
Maybe ...

you will provide the incentive I need to finish a quilt I started quite some
time ago.  It is becoming very vintage now!

What do you think Bentley ~ will Momma ever finish that quilt?
If she does, will you feature it in your magazine?  After you 
take a nap on it of course!

Susan and Bentley


  1. What a pleasure it would be to attend these occasions with you. Anything to do with a quilt turns me on. I do not quilt, but have several and love them.

  2. Love, love, love to come! Shall we race to see if you finish your quilt or I finish knitting my scarf, first???
    Bentley, doggie kisses to you!

  3. Susan I am the same. I have 2 quilts not finished and one of them is the English method octaganal design like yours. Because it's all done by hand it has been in progress for over 25yrs. The other scrap quilt sits on my bed and only needs a border. A Winter craft, I think.
    I would love to take tea with you,especially a quilting one.
    xx jeanetteann

  4. I love a cuppa! But I can't quilt to save myself. Thank you so much for sharing. My very first visit here I will follow on my way out so I know my path back here. Perhaps you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to engaging more throughout the year and beyond. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  5. Too cute! I have made several pin cushions for friends using various items from baby shoes to mint julep cups...Please stop by my blog palace and check out the 300 Follower Giveaway going on right now. Tiffany

  6. I would love to join you and add some stitches to a quilt. hugs, Linda

  7. I would love to have tea with you! Haven't started quilting yet so.....

    bee blessed

  8. That reminds me I've got a quilt to finish. Your pictures are beautiful.

  9. It would be wonderful to join you for tea and quilting, Susan! I love a good hot cup of tea, and I've always wanted to learn how to quilt. AND...I wouldn't even mind if Bentley sat on my lap while you gave me a lesson or two. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. You and Bentley are some of my favorite partygoers.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  10. I wish I could quilt...I will come over and you can teach me!
    Have a creative day.

  11. "Hi Susan and Bentley,

    Oh goodnesss - I would love to have tea with you and Bentley -I am not a quilter, but love to drink tea. Can my Bentley come have tea with you two?
    Have a lovely day.
    Erin and Bentley

  12. I would so love to come visit for tea and quilting. I would also like to have a little visit with Bentley and see if he might have room for me in his magazine. Of course, I would bring homemade cookies to make it worth his while!

  13. I love your tea cups! Very pretty, I love to come to tea! Joann

  14. Beautiful fabrics and I love the little teacup pin cushion! Visiting from Home & Garden Thursday. Have a great day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  15. Excellent, I'll be there! Can I bring all my unfinished projects?

  16. Everything is darling, makes me smile!

    Happy VTT to you and Bentley!

  17. I'll bet it's beautiful! Can't wait to see it! I'm looking forward to doing a quilt myself!

  18. Love the peek at the quilt.. so pretty.. xo marlis

  19. Susan, good luck with finishing the quilt. I've done three now, but they were each a long time to completion. ~ Sarah

  20. I don't quilt but I crochet and I enjoy a nice cup of hot tea -- with cream :)

  21. Oh, I can just imagine a circle of us enjoying each other's company - a warm cup of team, and quilting, crocheting or whatever together - divine!
    Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  22. I don't have a quilting (or sewing, or crocheting, or needlepointing!) bone in my body, but I sure like the snuggle under them!

  23. I know you will finish the quilt, in your own time. That is what I tell myself with unfinished and hard to get back to, projects!
    Bentley will encourage you!
    Jil ♥

  24. Hello, I'm a new follower and love tea, quilting, crochet, diy, gardening, dogs, and children! : ) From your blog I see we have some things in common. I found you thru My Romantic Home blog. Your Bentley is adorable, love those eyes. I just started a blog on overcoming the restrictions of decorating when you are a renter. I look forward to visiting often for inspiration to share with my readers. Quilting is such a perfect way to bring color and warmth to a room with white walls. Thanks again for sharing.

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.