Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is It Too Early To Be Dreaming Of Spring?

Although we are having mild weather for January ~ it's still soup season.
However ...

this mild weather makes me think that spring is just around the corner,
and somehow my floral vintage cream soups seem like the right choice.

Hot comforting soup in vintage floral bowls ~ the best of both

I am joining

Bentley ~ you were are sleeping on the job because when I came home
from work there were two cats sitting in front of our gate!
(He was sleeping too ~ curled up on the down filled comforter
on my bed!)

Susan and Bentley


  1. It was in the teens here with wind chills of -3! Definitely soup season!! But by Saturday we are going back up to 50! Pretty bowls, Susan. xo

  2. It is never to early to think of spring.

  3. As soon as Christmas is over I am ready for spring!

  4. Susan ~ I know how you feel. It is very mild here in Ontario and I don't know quite what to make of it. Usually we have mounds of snow and we make soups and stews. It has been above 32 degrees F for quite some time. We haven't had any real snow fall YET ~ (oops did I make a mistake?) ~ I'll probably get snowed in now ~ oh well, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER too soon to dream of spring ~ Get out the seed catalogues ;-)

  5. Susan, I think you both have great ideas. Soup and a nap curled up on a down comforter sounds like a perfect combo. Mild winter here so far too.
    ~ Sarah

  6. OOh, very very pretty china! Love those cream soups. They could certainly cheer me up on a dreary day! Bentley has the right idea. xo marlis

  7. It's a dog's life... Yes, I think when we bring "springier" things out, it lightens and brightens our mood, and lends itself to springtime reverie.

  8. It's Never too early to be dreaming of spring in my book...I always do that starting in January...just can't help myself lol :) Love your vintage china...such pretty floral patterns. Sounds like Bentley found the perfect spot for napping...a fur babies usually do :)
    Big hugs,

  9. Oh my I love your vintage bowls. They are so beautiful.

    Jocelyn @

  10. Spring is more of a state of mind than a season, I think. So it's never too late! :-) Your dishes definitely make me think Spring and all the wonderful things that go with it! Enjoy!

  11. Hi! Susan and Bentley,
    I'm with you! Beautiful china. Pat

  12. Yes Susan it is WAY to early to mention spring yet - - - why we haven't even had ANY winter to speak of yet up here on the this year as yet unfrozen tundra of Wisconsin.

    But the flower dishes are awfully pretty.


  13. Susan your china is so lovely, I don't know about you but I can eat soup anytime of the year. We are in summer,but I can still fancy a bowl or two. Love hearing about Bentley' antics.

    xx jeanetteann

  14. Love your cream soup bowl, I think I have one or two in the pattern. Winter has yet to come to my part of Michigan but the past couple of days the temps have dropped considerably and I know the cold will settle in soon. I guess winter makes us appreciate spring even more. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Bentley, you do have the life! Susan, in the 50's here today??? This mild weather is something I don't think I can ever remember in January in Illinois. I would like a little snow before the winter is over :(

  16. Your dishes are lovely!

    The weather here has been crazy. Yesterday, we had negative numbers overnight, 10 degrees during the day and now we're supposed to hit 45 degrees on Saturday. It's nuts! I'm not sure whether to dream of Spring or not.

  17. January = Soup, that's for sure! What pretty, pretty dishes! I would love to use these for a special lunch for one (me!) when I am snowed in. Your temperatures are similar to ours; I think that is why everyone in my house is fighting a cold.

  18. What a sweet cream soup bowl! I love the little flowers inside the bowl.

  19. I enjoy a good bowl of soup anytime of the year. However, I certainly do not have a pretty bowl like this.

  20. Gorgeous set of dishes! I am in the mood for soup now...Christine

  21. Your dishes are so pretty and no it is not too early to think of spring. I am already doing that too.

  22. I just adore floral dishes! These are exquisite! Soup is always perfect during cold, wintry days! Thank you so much for joining me in the first Home and Garden Thursday!
    God Bless,

  23. Hi Susan,
    I am now following you and so glad..I love your cottage.

  24. Beautiful dishes dear Susan!

    Big Hugs

  25. Beautiful dishes not matter WHAT season!!

  26. These dishes are beautiful, and it would be a great treat to use them for soup!

  27. Oh these are just so beautiful, and yes, Springy!! thanks so much for linking up to the party! xo

  28. Your soup bowl is delightful, Susan. I'm dreaming of spring too but it feels like we haven't even had winter yet! Strange weather, for sure. Happy New Year to you and Bentley.

  29. Once the decorations from Christmas come down I am ready for spring. It is very slow in coming here in Colorado though! We had a glorious day today though but snow forecasted for this weekend!

    I love dishes and yours are lovely to behold!

    bee blessed

  30. Hi Susan and Bently!
    Ha ha...Bently is sleeping on the job! It's never too early to dream of spring, in my opinion! Love the pretty!
    Hugs, Cindy

  31. Oops! I spelled Bentley's name wrong! sorry!

  32. lol - i am so excited for spring too! your tea cup and dish pattern is so pretty! xoxo, tracie

  33. I know what you mean about the mild spring-like weather! Usually we're frozen over and covered with snow this time of year. Instead, it was 68 degrees on Tuesday!!!

    I'd love for you to come link up with my Homemaking Link-Up Weekend! You can link any homemaking post---and as many as you want!

    Have a great weekend!

  34. Hey Susan and Bentley! We've been dreaming of summer- the temps have been over 80 degrees the past few days.
    Lydia, Tahoe and Reno

  35. I'm still waiting for winter here in Texas. Would love to have a few snow days - just so next summer we can say 'we were there.' The table looks very nice. Let's eat.

  36. I love your dishes... It is soup season here too. It was almost 80 degrees today though. What's up with that?


  37. It's not too early! The dishes are beautiful!

    Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday!

  38. My favorite type of floral china! You are right, it is just the thing to perk up dreary January.

  39. I love cream soup bowls, so delicate. I only have 6 that are 100 years old, gifted to me by a fellow blogger. I did a post about them recently.

  40. Oh, my goodness...those cream soup bowls are BEAUTIFUL! I hope you enjoy them fully and use them often! I'm your newest follower! ~Zuni


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