Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Setting Up Camp

We have designed the plan for our new cabin.  We will be breaking 
ground this spring and hoping to be moved in by summer.  I am so excited 
about decorating it.  It will have a vintage look with inherited pieces from
family and bits and pieces I have been collecting.  I found this Campfire
Marshmallow tin recently.  It's a reproduction of an authentic tin used to 
store marshmallows.  I had to laugh because the tin says it's the "original food".

Old kerosene lamps and vintage signs.  We'll be fly fishing up there because our
property is walking distance to the little Salmon River.  Lot's of wildlife too. The last
time David was up to survey the lot, he and his friend found elk and bear droppings.
I looked at google maps and there is nothing between the back side of our
neighborhood until you cross the Snake River deep into the mountains of 
eastern Oregon.  Thousands of stars at night.  Peaceful and serene.

I certainly have changed.  I use to be such a city girl consumed with clothes and
shoes and nightlife.  Now I'm the LL Bean boots gal stocking up on cast iron pots
and reproduction Campfire Marshmallow tins.  I like the new me much better!

Party on over at ~

Bentley ~ I wonder if there is such a thing as snow shoes for dogs?

Susan and Bentley


  1. I am in love, serious love, with your header!!! And with your fake marshmallow can, and all your other awesomeness moving to the cabin as soon as it's built on the land near the river where you will fly fish. Just total awesomeness, that's what. Hugs ~ Mary :)

  2. Your new cabin will be heavenly! Love your tin and am looking forward to hearing all about the progress on the cabin!

  3. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  4. It sounds like a little bit of heaven on earth.

  5. This sounds like a wonderful place to spend time in the summer. Oh the fun of decorating also.

  6. That tin is fabulous! I remember Campfire Marshmallows!


  7. Sounds like a wonderful place! I can hear your excitement!

  8. Susan ~ you make me smile because you remind me of ME~! I used to be such a City gal, now I am totally countrified. Thanks to Mr. V. I love the country and I love the sights, sounds, smells AND my rubber boots, jeans and plaid jacket. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see what you do ;-)

  9. The tin is wonderful an so is the pillow. A cabin sounds like a fine plan too.

  10. Congrats on the cabin! A bit jealous here. I have always been an outdoorsy girl. It sound like a marvelous place to retreat to. I need a cabin just so I can thin a bit of the decor out of my home. lol! By the way, I have that same marshmellow tin. I use to collect tins and have had quite a few. I startd planting flowers in some and put them outdoor. Had a few rust out. Probably not the smartest idea.

  11. A new cottage - how exciting! Have fun building and then decorating. And Marshmallows used to come in a can? Hmm.

  12. I know y'all are so excited about breaking ground on your cabin. What adorable little accessories you are stockpiling for it! I cannot wait for a tour!


  13. Everything is so charming! Wishing you lots of fun building your nest at your cabin and many many hours spent relaxing and enjoying what sounds like the loveliest of places! Pea green over here.

    Happy Rednesday!

  14. Congratulations on your purchase of a camp!!
    I live in a cabin on Lake Superior and I can tell you, you are going to love it!!
    I like the cabin style goods you've collected.
    They will work perfect in your camp!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.