Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taking Time for Me

Life moves at a faster pace these days ~ at least it does for me.
I am always rushing around.  Every day seems to be jam packed with 
obligations and responsibilities.  I seldom sit down and just relax.

But today I have vowed to take a few minutes just for me.  

Care to join me?  I'll put the kettle on.  Bentley will curl up in your lap and maybe
show off a trick or two.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I just finished another project for the dining room and the holidays are over. So I will be glad to join you for me time. Those are lovely teacups you have.

  2. where did you get those cool cups?

  3. Rest and enjoy Susan. I am drinking hot tea right this minute and enjoying being home for the first time in a week myself. hugs♥O

  4. I just completed my rest but your invite is so enticing. Love the darling cups ...
    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  5. I am there! just got back from running to the pharmacy, grocery store and general store to get Greta something to keep her occupied!
    Can I use the pink cup...there both so pretty.

  6. very sweet and i enjoyed that book, read it by the sea myself in a relaxing pose as your day~

  7. Bonnie and I would love to join you for a spot of tea! What a nice way to relax.

  8. Maybe if everyone took a moment to slow down once-in-awhile folks would not be so stressed. Lovely idea!

  9. I will definitely join you! I need some me time.
    -Kim :)

  10. Hi Susan, please put out a cup for me! There's nothing like a good cuppa on a cold day!

  11. Susan ~ how right you are. Most of us don't take time for ourselves. But we MUST make time for ourselves, for if we don't take care of ourselves, we cannot take care of others.
    I would love to sit and relax and have a cup of tea with you and Bentley ;-)

  12. So sweet! I love the blue birdie, and yes, you need to take time just for you! xo

  13. Now that sounds like a wonderful idea! A good book, a soft blanket and a warm cup of tea ... heaven! Thanks for reminding us to slow down. We all need to recharge.
    Don't forget to link!

  14. What a beautiful blue bird! I hope I can take a day off soon and enjoy my lanai...and maybe some tea! Put the kettle on! ♥

  15. I would love to join you for a cup of tea. Lovely photos.

  16. Oh Susan, what a beautiful way to relax. Love the pastel tea cups and that blue bird is soooo pretty. I wish I could join you! It looks devine. laurie

  17. So beautiful Susan! I love the tea cups and blue bird.

  18. I feel the same way as you...never time to relax. I'd love to visit for a nice cup of tea!


  19. Pretty tea cups! I need to make time to relax more!

  20. What a nice way to pamper yourself! I need to learn that!!! :-) Have a great week!

  21. Those a darling cups.. We should all slow down and take a breather.. what a lovely reminder to do. Hugs to Bentley.. xo marlis

  22. Just charming! I love your cups and your bluebird is just so sweet!

  23. You are so right. We need to take some time for ourselves. You have presented a beautiful way in which to do it.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. OOOOh love that little set on the tray, it's very pretty. I might just join you and Bentley for a nice cuppa xx jeanetteann

  25. Hi! What pretty tea cups. Have you got any Earl Grey Tea just a little sugar please. Have a great day! Pat

  26. I think I commented - must have hiccuped! I thank you for setting such a lovely spot to visit! Time is flying by way too fast - I agree - we do need to take time to slow down and appreciate the day! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  27. I'm a tea-lovin' girl. Pour some for me in the cute little blue cup.

  28. What a lovely post and beautiful way to relax. Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday!

  29. Such pretty teacups! I applaud your resolve -- and I enjoyed reading the book you pictured. She writes beautifully!

  30. Simply charming... Thank you for sharing. Love the teacups!

  31. What a lovely sentiment! I haven't sat down and had a nice cup of tea i my favorite cup and saucer for quite a while. Thanks for the reminder.

  32. Things do move at the speed of light, don't they??? OH MY.... It was just Monday! I always envision myself getting scads done during the week, but usually settle for a smidge. Love your pretties.... In love with blue again..... it took awhile after the huge overdose I gave myself in the '80's. I am not kidding......every, single room was BLUE. I thought I'd never be able to love it again, but sure enough.........L.O.V.E.

    Have a wonderful weekend......and put your feet up for a little bit too...


  33. I love to enjoy a wonderful book and a cup of tea and to enjoy it in a beautiful cup seems to make it a special occasion. Thank you, I will definitely join you for that cup of tea.

  34. I do take time for me every day,resting, reading, with tea and a special tea treat. Its important to honor ourselves with quiet and enjoyment of what we love. It also is important time to reflect on our priorities and stay still and listen to quiet within to gain perspective. I am so lucky that I am single so I have the time to do what I love and to be good to myself. Nothing is more special then a precious teapot, good tea and a book to restore your soul.

  35. It looks lovely. I love your style and your pinterest boards. Kathy at


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.