Monday, February 20, 2012

I've Been A Very Bad Blogger!

I am so ashamed of myself for being a very bad blogger.  The past couple of months
have gone by so quickly and all I have done is put together a post and disappear.  I have 
not visited all of you as I should.  Not very friendly of me at all!

I am sorry and being busy is no excuse.  All of us are busy.

But I hope that you will accept my apology.

So instead of stressing about what to post for my blog, I am going to focus on catching
up with what has been going on with all of you. 

I have been thinking also about what I can do on this blog to keep it more interesting
and fun.  I can certainly use a bit more fun in my life and I bet you can too.

I love you all and so appreciate all of the talent you have.  Now it's time for
me to let you know.

Come on Bentley ~ let's go visiting!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh those primroses are beautiful...such a harbinger of spring! You've been enjoying life...Good for you!

  2. I disagree, Susan, you are a very good blogger, always interesting and always fun! xo

  3. The best thing I have learned the last several years of blogging, followers new and old are there. Good times, bad times, and even busy times. Don't feel bad, we ALL go through times of craziness that simply can't be helped. My husband and I could certainly be the poster board couple for that, and my blogging buddies helped us through.

    blessings, jilly

  4. Bentley, Bonnie would love for you to come over and play! :D

  5. Hope you are enjoying yourself while being busy! We all get busy and take blogging breaks. It's ok... we are here to read when you are ready to blog! Love the beautiful flowers!

  6. Blogging is just something we choose to do. It is not meant to be the only thing in our lives. Be kind to yourself; look at your beautiful plants and smile. Or listen to the music on your blog...very relaxing!

  7. Hi Susan. You are not a bad blogger! You are a wonderful, creative, fantastic blogger. It's always so fun to stop by and see your cutie-pie Bentley. And your pretties. My little Suzi passed away last month. We all just cried & cried & cried. Just yesterday I got me a new fur-baby. When she gets to the beauty parlor later this week, I'll post pics of her, too. Right now she looks like a dust mop. Kiss Bentley for me.

  8. Susan,please don't be hard on yourself. We are all the same from time to time. Blogging and catching up is time consuming. I find the only way I can keep up,especially when we all follow so many blogs,is to sit my laptop on my lap at night when there is nothing on TV,or when my hubby is watching something I don't like. Still hard to catch up with everyone though. You are probably like me Hate to miss out on such talented or pretty blog posts.
    x jeanetteann

  9. Oh Susan, I think I take the award for being the worst blogger.
    I haven't been good since last summer. We have gone through so much, but hopefully now we are on the right track and can get back to doing what we all love, visiting one another.
    I am sure you have been busy, as we all get. I am glad to be visiting you and Bentley. I hope this finds you both well,

  10. It is difficult to visit with everyone.

  11. I don't think that you (or Bentley) are bad bloggers. So don't put yourselves in the dog house. I have been enjoying your site for quite some time now, and just recently signed up to be able to comment. Talk about being bad, I admit it, I was a lurker. But I finally had to start letting people know how much I enjoy the blogs. I love your little Bentley and his adventures. Your flowers are so pretty. Primroses and african violets are so cheerful this time of year especially. Right now I have what is left of one of those ice cube orchids. The flowers are long gone, but the leaves on mine are so shiny and getting bigger. I'm hoping for rebloom.

  12. It is so very difficult to keep up with everyone, especially the bloggers who blog every day. I do my best but life gets in the way. Love the new header and the blue back ground.

  13. I think it's important to blog guilt-free. Don't be so hard on yourself Susan. Just think - after a long absence, bloggers will be happy to see your name on their posts "There, she's back - I missed her" they'll think.

  14. We all have busy times now and then Susan, where we can't get around and do what we would like to do. That's just life. So nice to see a post from you though and I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!! It's beautiful! xxoo

  15. Hi Susan, don't worry about it so much, sometimes life just gets in the way, everyone understands, I have been very lax in the blogging dept myself of late.

    Love to visit you and Bentley.

    Hugs Jill xx

  16. Hi Susan,
    Me too, I have been wanting to freshen up my blog and I also get blog block. We all understand, everyone gets busy and blogging does take a lot of time. I really enjoy seeing all the beautiful homes out there and there are so so many talented people, its so much fun seeing all the creative ideas and sharing.
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  17. You really don't need to apologize at all. I'm a terrible blogger on many levels, but I do what feels right for me, and I try and not feel bad about that. Life is short, and we have to prioritize our time. Some days, blogging is last on the list for me. I hope that doesn't make me sound cold and unfriendly. :(

    You have a lovely blog and I'm sorry I don't get around often enough to say so.

  18. I think I have blogger blahs...can't come up with a good post. But you visited me, thank you!!

  19. Your wee violet and pretty china pieces are lovely together. It would be wonderful if you and Bentley could stop by. I have coffee in the press right now, and there will be tea later.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.