Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let's Fast Forward to Spring

I really can't complain.  We have not had a very cold winter, and
although the snow is covering the mountains just up the street from my
cottage, it has not snowed much down here in the valley.

That being said ...

I am itching to fast forward to spring.  This is the time of the year
when I am tired of down filled coats and wrapping up in scarves and
hunting for my mittens.  I want to be fluffing up my front porch and
leaving the doors wide open to allow Bentley to run freely in and out
of the house.  I want to plant pansies and start working in my garden beds.

But ...

I know it will be a few weeks before that can happen, so you will have
to indulge me as I play with a few things that remind me of spring.  I love
this rusty old trowel.  It is so much more handsome than a new one ~
don't you agree?

Bentley found his "Busy Bee" that he left out in the yard.  It is
almost like a new toy for him now because I think he forgot about it.
Apparently he's not too bummed that a Yorkie did not win the dog show.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I need sunshine! I'm tired of gray cold days and stark branches!

  2. My African Violets are blooming their little britches off also ... & I am loving it.
    We found crocus blooming a month early the other day ... I keep waiting for the Feb.

    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~

  3. I'm beginning to get the itch for Spring too!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. I am so ready for yep! Let's fast forward!

  5. Oh, I'm glad Bentley is enjoying the weather like my Sweepy!

  6. I am soooo ready for Spring!! Those are very pretty pillows in your photo and I just love birdcages.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  7. I do enjoy all the seasons! Winter is about halfway through I think, so soon it will be spring! But usually we get more of the same weather: rain!!!! I love your flower photo. It's eye candy.

  8. Happy Pink Saturday Susan Sweetie and Bentley darling...
    I love this share of your dream of Spring. We know it is just around the corner, and Summer will be here not long after. I love your garden trowel. He is so handsome. I have one that belonged to my FIL and I cherish it dearly. I dig a hole and think of him, and in my heart know he would be so happy that this trowel is still in use after all these years.

    I can see you doors open and Bentley dear running to and fro. Remind him it will be happy again soon. The snow will be gone before he knows it. I love to see his smiling face.

    Have a glorious weekend sweetie. Off to finish picking the last of our lemons. The tree is already loaded again with blooms.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  9. I know just what you mean! It feels like it should be spring now :) Beautiful photos!

  10. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan and Bentley.

    I know just what you mean. I can't wait to have flowers and spring greens again.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.