Saturday, February 4, 2012

Something's Coming

I worked all day today, but I took the time to take a short walk outside for my
lunch break.  It was an unseasonably warm afternoon.  The sun felt good on my
face and I knew ~ something is coming.

Soon we will see pansies...

beautiful irises ...

and bleeding hearts.

We will plan tea parties in the garden ...

and more tea parties.  We will feel the cool leaves of grass beneath our feet
and ...

we will rejoice!  Ah spring.  It's coming ~ and I could feel it in the air today!

You feel it too ~ don't you Bentley!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I was warm yesterday but it is still feb in Northern New England no flowers for a few months yet.

  2. Spring, my favorite season!!! It warms my heart to see the daffy's and tulips in the markets! I can't wait to purchase some! Loved this sweet post!

    Have a great day and GO PATRIOTS!!!!

  3. My dafs have bloomed. I love seeing them but I've also seen winters like this in NC before. March can be a horror with sleet n snow and all the buds on the trees and flowers getting frozen.
    Love your photos and I hope spring isnt far off.

  4. Love your photos. It has felt like spring lately but we usually get pretty slammed with snow in April.

  5. Pretty photos to brighten up the day! My daffodils are blooming, I think I'll go sit with them awhile today. hugs, Linda

  6. Yes, I absolutely feel it coming too! That's why I am so bound and determined to get my basement remodel done and the rest of the house organized and do my spring cleaning. I want to be all ready to go when the warm breezes call my name . . . looking forward to it!

  7. Our daffodils by the mail box are at least 7" tall, maybe more - and I love it. I just hope this wonderful weather keeps up and we have daffodils to greet March! Love your pics, simply stunning. Hugs ~ Mary

  8. Warm here for several days, but it's back to coats and cozy fires today. I'm not ready for winter to be over just yet. ;-)

  9. I don't know if it's coming or already here as the daffodils are blooming and some of the trees are getting blossoms! Lovely photos as always!


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