Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trying To Relax With Craft Projects

My life is always chaotic and lately even more so.  I seem to have so many
irons in the fire at any one time that I need to find a way to slow down.  So 
besides yoga, I have decided relax with crating projects.

I can see the tension and distraction in my hearts.  Uneven blanket stitches, 
forgetting to trim seams for crisp edges.  

My husband always says that when one tries to do too many things, none of
them are done well.  Apparently that applies to me.

So I am going to have to learn to slow down and do one thing at a time.
Won't be easy for me ~ but I'll give it a try.

Bentley ~ you are so good at focusing on things.  Maybe you can
give your Momma a few lessons.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Those hearts that you made are spectacular; the beauty of crafts can be that imperfections are allowed. A machine can stamp out exact duplicates; crafts have a special beauty.
    You are right about us learning from Bentley, or my kitty cats.

  2. Good for you...I am doing the same.
    Love your sweet hearts and yes...Bentley has all the answers.
    We can all stand a few lessons in relaxation from our fur babies.

  3. They look wonderful! I wish they were sitting in my living room :-)! There is nothing like crafts and our fur babies to help us step back and chill out!

  4. Such sweet fabric hearts. Crafting is definitely good for the soul.

  5. Your hearts are so sweet. Love them. Take a deep breath and relax, we all need that from time to time. Don't get burned out. I think I'm going to try today ;-)

  6. I am in love with your blog banner and I am trying hard not to shout as I say it. LOVE! Oops, one short shout, couldn't help it. I love your little hearts, love them in that wooden box, love them exactly as they are. Love, love, love. Hugs ~ Mary

  7. love the hearts you made, Susan.

  8. So (sew) sweet! How sweet (cute music too)

    Visiting from My Romantic Home's linky party :)
    Thanks for sharing :D
    ~Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois at WHYCUZICAN

  9. Love your sweet little hearts. Made by hand makes them special. I have been crazy for Valentines this year and can't stop wanting to work with Red and White.

  10. Your little hearts are adorable! They are perfect just the way you made them!



  11. I am always trying to do a million things at once too! You are not alone. Anyhow, I think your things are lovely!

  12. I am always trying to slow down. There is nothing like creating to make you relax and slow down.
    Love your blog,


  13. I doubt I know how to anymore, it has been a cracker pace for way too long. Love your lovely hearts. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  14. Susan,
    These turned out really pretty! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.