Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday Chit Chat

Hi!  How are you?  I am sitting at my desk with a cup of tea thinking about all of the
unfinished projects around here.  I start out with the best intentions and then life gets
busy and I have lost the enthusiasm to finish the job.  Does that ever happen to you?

Please say yes!

I would hate to think that I am the only one who does this.

Remember when I was talking about painting the hutch in my kitchen?  Well, I finished
the first coat, but have not started the second coat.  I need to completely unload all of
the bits and pieces on the shelves and remove the fabric currently covering them.

Maybe I'll get started on that tonight.  

I want to paint this schoolhouse clock white too.  That's what is happening
at my place.  What's going on with you?

Oh ~ and Bentley is taking a nap.  He is bored.  He would rather nap
than watch me paint.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Yep, I'm in the same state - numerous unfinished projects, which stresses me out. Yesterday I made progress on one, and I guess that's the best I can hope for - little baby steps at a time, right?! I love your hearts, just beautiful. Hugs ~ Mary

  2. Yes, it does happen to me too! I have two dressers that I want to repaint, but first I have to empty them! Love your clock, it will be gorgeous painted white. And love the sweet hearts, so pretty.
    Wishing you a happy day!
    Helen x

  3. I need a nap and then I can think about all the projects I need to get done! :)

  4. I think Bentley has the right idea ...good day for a nap why do today ...what you can put off till tomorrow ! Never feel alone i think creativity and motivation comes in bursts ! Have a great evening hugs lilraggedyangie

  5. Oh I hear you! I went up stairs to put towels away and just laid down on the bed and fell asleep for almost an hour. I guess I needed it because I never do that.

  6. Not a lot going on here. Dogs are napping here in my chair. Yes, I start something and just sigh.

  7. I think it is the gloomy weather. I have been starting and stopping, too! Even laundry!! Bentley has the right idea!


  8. Not a lot going on here - just trying to keep my head above water with work and life. Somehow I have more energy for everything when the sun is shining.

  9. I've been decorating my hutch and doing a dotty swap and that's about it! Every Summer, I'll say to myself, "THAT will be a good project for winter time when I'm all cooped up!" But then Winter comes and I'm just one big BLAH! Oh well, that's what spring is for- right? ♥


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.