Monday, March 5, 2012

French Bistro Style

What I thought was a bad cold is the flu instead.  Aches, pains, scratchy throat
and fever.  Yes it's the flu.  

I am tired of watching TV and don't want to read, so I am day dreaming a
bit of a Paris Cafe.  Care to join me in my fantasy?

We will pretend it is a lovely spring day in Paris and after a full day of browsing through
the Paris flea markets (notice I said browsing, in this economy that's all I can afford
to do in Paris ~ even in a day dream).  As I was saying, after hunting through the
flea market stalls and wishing we could ship everything home, we will stop for
lunch at a Paris cafe.

French tunes in the air. Lets chose a bottle of wine and relax while we decide what
to order.  Do you see that fabulous outfit the young Parisian woman at the table next
to us is wearing?  They do know how to accessorize don't they?

The chef is inside his kitchen creating delicious entrees in his copper pots.

Lovely white ramekins and ...

beautiful fresh flowers from a nearby flower cart grace the table.
Now wasn't that fun?

Before I climb back into bed with some aspirin and yet another cup of 
hot tea, lets go visit ~


Bentley ~ are you getting bored?  This is not much fun is it?

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan...I wish I could fill up one of those bowls with homemade chicken soup to help you feel better.
    xo, Rosemary

  2. Susan, It is so kind of you to "travel" with us to a Paris cafe even when you have the flu! Stay warm and feel better soon! Linda

  3. Hi lovely lady.
    I wish some day my Hubby and I could go to Paris"" your photo have to do for now.!!! I hope you feel better sweet lady. My Flu hit me one week ago.. all better now,!!! I hope you have a wonderful week and get Better.come see me been a long time. I do follow you.!!
    XOO Diane

  4. Sure hope this passes quickly, Susan ... altho, it has been a delight journey with you in gay Paris.

    Have a great week.
    TTFN ~

  5. Oh what lovely vignettes and your pictures are so beautiful. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. Thank you for the lovely trip. I hope you get to feeling better!

    -Kim :)

  7. This is the latest influenza has struck in many years and I am so sorry you got it. Do rest and drink many fluids. I am a RN remember and have seen many sick with it severely and do not wish that on you. The table is lovely.

  8. Oh I adore the MTAOFC cookbook and all the blue!

  9. OH NO! Sorry that you are under the weather! A trip to Paris is just what the Dr. ordered!
    XO Cindy

  10. Oh Bently! You are such a sweet little lunch partner! :)
    Hope you are feeling better after your relaxing afternoon.... :)

  11. I always wanted copper pots...

  12. The flu? Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
    I hope you can dream up something Irish and green for my 4th annual blog crawl on the 13th! Look forward to you joining in!

  13. I love copper pots with a passion....and french music....and everything you have shown us here. Delightful.
    Feel better soon....

  14. The corks in the bowl..simple and beautiful! Feel better my friend.

  15. Such beautiful pictures! Hope you feel better soon!

  16. Love your blue and whites, especially your transferware. I was just thinking of Paris the other day, Paris in springtime, of course.

  17. What a pretty post! I know I wouldn't manage to do anything so lovely with the flu--DO feel better FAST!
    The music on this one is making me giggle.

  18. So very very pretty! I have some of my moms cooper pieces and I have not yet figured out how to work them into my decorating yet.

  19. I liked traveling along dreaming with you. Pretty pics.

    Hope you feel better.

  20. I am amazed you felt like doing what you did. It was beautiful...

    I heard the flu is late this year We all (ALL of us) have the flu here...My oldest has to go out working so he is not getting rid of youngest and me keep getting it back..WITH bacterial infection on top of it..I am so bored and so sick I can't believe it..

    Stay safe..get lots of rest ..hope you heal
    I love the corks in the bowl..I have a bag of them..I was going to make a cork board but I just like this better...

  21. That was fun! I'll take lunch I Paris any day of the week please with a side of flea market shopping!

  22. Thank you for the fun trip to Paris Susan. I hope you feel better real soon!

  23. Love everything you are showing here! Please come and link up to my centerpiece Wednesday party!

  24. Beautiful!
    ... love the white and blue :)

    Greetings from Australia♥


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.