Monday, March 19, 2012

I Love to Make Soup

Yesterday morning it snowed ...
and I made soup.  I did not have a recipe, but then I never do.
I just threw things in a pot, some cut up chicken, carrots, celery, parsley,
and onion.  I let the broth simmer for a couple of hours.  I strained the
broth and returned it to the pot.

Meanwhile I sauteed some mushrooms and sliced carrots and added
them to the pot with some leftover brown rice.  I put it all in jars and
put them in the fridge.  I always think that soup tastes yummier the next day.
So ...

We had it for dinner tonight.  It was warm and comforting.
We will need it.  Tomorrow morning it is supposed to snow again.

Back in January we were saying "What happened to winter?"
Now it's March and we are saying "What happened to spring?"

Bentley had soup too.  He's already in bed under our down comforter.
What a life!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Your soup sounds delicious! I am almost envious of your snow...we have had so little. Stay warm and dry!


  2. It's actually hot where I live, 30 degrees warmer than normal. We've broke 100 year old records. Strange weather, isn't it! Your soup sounds good:)

  3. so sorry to hear about snow we are warm and digging the gardens out. Soup is always good in my opinon. Esp if I had your blue dishes so beautiful.

  4. MMMMM, love soup, I could eat it everyday. Love your kitchen.

    I would love some snow right now. It's Autumn and we are getting temps in the 30's,it's very strange.

    xx jeanetteann

  5. The weather is ridiculous here in Chicago! We'll be having another 80 degree day today. I don't think I'll be making any soup...maybe I'll have ice cream though!

  6. I know what you mean about making soup. It is so comforting when it's cold out and the house smells so good. Is that a photo of your kitchen? Cozy!

  7. Your soup sounds yummy Susan! I love that photo of your kitchen...nice oven!!
    It's not very warm here either!
    Pamela xo


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