Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ladies Who Lunch

What can be more fun than to invite a group of your best girl friends over
for a lady's lunch.

I am bringing out all of my favorite luncheon plates and cups covered in

They remind me of the wild violets that are starting to appear in my garden.

Someone once told me that they are weeds and I should pull them out
before they over run the yard.  I am sure her advice was well meaning ~
but I ignored her.

The sweet violets and tulips welcome spring into the garden.

I found this little print in an antique shop several years ago.  It was very inexpensive.
The frame is plastic.  Technically not very valuable, but to me it is a real
treasure and I love it dearly.  Just as I love the wild violets that grow all over
my garden.

Please join me in visiting ~


Bentley ~ have you noticed all of the little violets, tulips and daffodils
popping up in our garden while you are busy chasing the squirrels?

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan ~ Having a lunch with you and those lovely violets would be just delightful. Could I give Bentley a treat while I'm there?
    Have a wonderful spring day ;-)

  2. How wonderful to invite friends for lunch. I often think that it is so difficult to arrange mutually convenient times. but when it loses it's top. Food dinnerware is very sweet with violets. Violets in the garden such joy! I wish you a wonderful day! Zinnia

  3. Hi Susan and Bentley, I love violets and Johnny Jump Ups and I adore your dishes. I am always in awe of those that have such beautiful sets for different occasions. Have a wonderful day and thanks again for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. Ladies who lunch, what a pretty table.

  5. How very very pretty. What a special table setting for special friends.

  6. Susan, your china sprinkled with violets is just so pretty! What a sweet table they set. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week.


  7. I would love to have lunch with you in that gorgeous china sprinkled with violets flowers, it is just stunning! Your table looks beautiful for your luncheon. Hugs,

  8. I just love your china with those sweet violets! How fun for your lunch bunch to enjoy a wonderful meal with you at that gorgeous table.

  9. Oh....what a pretty, pretty, pretty set! I absolutely love those wild violets too, and have quite a few miscellaneous pieces with violets on them, but no complete set as lovely as yours. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing these pieces, but your beautiful photography as well. I'd love to join you, but you probably couldn't trust me around these :) . Just double-checked to make sure I'm following you--I am. ~Zuni

  10. How beautiful! I'd love to join your luncheon, I love tea and I love drinking it out of china, there is a difference. Your quote is lovely too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. These beautiful spring like days sure make you want to go outside for a lovely lunch!
    Love your beautiful dishes.

  12. Save me a spot. I would be delighted to join you for a little refreshments.

  13. What a pretty post. My mom always went out and picked the violets in the yard. I adore your little picture, just love things like that.

  14. Your violet-covered dishes are lovely, Susan. Hubby walked by as I was reading your post and commented how pretty they are. I have wild violets growing all over my yard, too, but I happen to like the fact that they're popping up everywhere. To each his (or her) they say. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. You (and Bentley) are always welcome at the cottage.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  15. I love the violet china, Susan! It takes me back to a kinder, gentler time. It's truly beautiful. The tulips are bee-YOO-ti-ful!!!!!! I keep forgetting tulips actually grow in purple! They are one of my favorite flowers, but I almost always end up buying pink or white. I need to branch out! L-O-V-E your flatware!!!!!!

  16. Oh how truly delightful!

    I love that china - and you are right about having gals over for lunch, it is some of the very best time spent!

    Well done, just lovely!

    1. Violets are absolutely my favorite flower and I am just crazy over your dishes!!! I have some violet snack plates but they are just a little different. I have many, many violet cups and saucers!!

  17. Susan, your table is so elegant. I LOVE the violets. Your china is delicate and sweet. And the little print is so perfect for a lady's lunch.

    Jocelyn @

  18. Very pretty - I love the whole violet theme!

  19. What a pretty table that china set makes! And you have so many nice pieces! Stunning.

  20. You know, when I was working full time and saw "the ladies who lunch" I used to say, "get a life" that I am no longer working full time, I say, "WHAT A LIFE!"...The ladies at your table would be thrilled to sit at such a beautifully adorned table. Love, love violets!!!...Gorgeous china!

    Thank you so much for joining the Egg-xellent Spring Party....I so appreciate it!

  21. Gorgeous luncheon items, Susan - - - but I'm in LOVE with the silverware caddy!

  22. What pretty china! I love the sweet violets on it. Tea time with friends is a favorite for me. We are under snow here but once it's gone the wild violets grow under the juniper tree! Blessings, Pamela

  23. Just enchanting...what georgous dishes! Very pretty.

  24. Beautiful...that china is gorgeous!

  25. What a beautiful table...I love violets and they are gorgeous sprinkled all over your dishes! Perfect ladies luncheon!

  26. Oh what fun! So very pretty! I am your newest follower =] What a very pretty blog you have!

  27. Friends gathered round my table to share a meal....some of my very favorite times. Your violet cups are so beautiful! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  28. Beautiful Yorkie and oh so beautiful china!! My Toby would love to meet Bentley (maybe...Yorkies are rentlentless is stealing the spotlight aren't they?)I think I have found a place to hang my hat. Love your blog! I will visit often.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.