Thursday, April 19, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request

Yesterday I spent most of the day with my Mom in the emergency
room of St. Luke's Hospital.  After many tests, the doctors have 
determined that she has congestive heart failure.  The prognosis is
not very good.

My Daddy died a bit less than two years ago.  I'm hoping that I can
have a few more years to spend with my Mom.  I am her only child and we
are very close.  She took such wonderful care of Daddy while he suffered
for several years from Alzheimer's.  It's now my turn to take good care
of her.

I believe that when two or more come together in prayer, the best 
outcome will happen.   I am asking for your prayers so Mom and I 
can have a few more quality years together.  Thank you.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, I'm sorry to hear this about your dear mother and yes, I'll be praying for her and for you. I'm an only child like you and i too lost my daddy in 1997 and brought my mother here to live with us. She's in a retirement home now and she is my best friend too. My heart breaks for you, sweet friend.
    Shelia ;)

  2. Yes! Praying for you and your mother.

    You may also contact me whenever you like if needed.
    dancing tea cup at g mail dot com

  3. I pray for your mom, Susan! She is one of my prayer topics! God can do miracles! Now we hope that he does so for your mom. God bless you and your mom and little Bently Zinnia

  4. Susan,
    I will be praying for your Mom and you... With modern medicine she may be just fine... I think you remember what I went through with my brother... He is now living a full life "ON BATTERIES"(unbelievable)...
    I am VERY CLOSE to my Mom too, so I feel your pain...It breaks my heart to see what you are going through...You have STRONG PRAYERS coming!!!
    Love and Big Hugs,

  5. Susan, I feel for you. I too am an only child and when my dad died it was just the two of us for so many years. I will say prayers. xo

  6. Susan I am sending up prayers now! My Mom also has congestive heart failure and has been able to stabilize for a few years now. I am thankful for each and every day I have with her. I wish you and your Mom many many days. Hugs, Linda

  7. Susan, I prayed as I read this. The hand of Our Lord is on your mother and His arms are around you. He will not leave you. I will remain in prayer, please, will you keep us updated as you can.

    Much love to you and your mother. xxxooo

  8. I will be sending my prayers also..I am so sorry..
    Lots of hugs and love to you and Mom,

  9. I believe wholeheartedly in the God Who hears and answers prayer. I pray that we daughters would unselfishly ask, "Not our will, Lord, but Thy will be done."

    Praying for you and Mom. You're a good daughter.

  10. I am so sorry, Susan. I am sending many prayers your way.


  11. I'm very sorry Susan! Having lost my mom last September I know how you're feeling. I'll and your mom to my prayer list and pray for a good outcome. I would give anything to spend a few more days or hrs. with my mom. Take care.

  12. Prayers and Healing Energy for your Mom, ((Susan))
    try yo think positive and surround her in a white healing light. Thats what I am doing from afar. I am certain you will have many more years with her.
    Its my EXPERIENCED opinion that she should have NO DAIRY PRODUCTS beginning Immediatly. That will increase her ability to heal 1 million fold.. Please- No Dairy of any kind in her system.
    write me if you want to.

  13. Susan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.

  14. My thoughts and prayers are with your mom, I'm asking God to wrap his arms around your mom and make her completely whole.
    Be strong sweet lady.

  15. I just said a prayer for you and your mom. Take care. <3

  16. Susan, I replied in the email (newsletter). I'm unsure if it will show here, where you can read it now. Please know though that I am lifting you up to our precious heavenly Father. He knows all. Our burdened hearts are his concern. Rest on his word and know that many are surrounding you with love from afar. God bless.

  17. Susan I am so glad I took the time to visit Blogger today and saw your request and I will keep your mom in my prayers starting this afternoon, right now! Please do let us know how she progresses and God bless you too with strength and peace through the days ahead!
    Hugs to little Bentley...
    Tina xo

  18. praying for your mom
    to recover
    and for strength and peace for you


  19. It is 2:30 in the afternoon and I just finished praying for you and your mom. I will keep you both in my prayers.

    Blessings my friend,


  20. Dearest Susan...Upon reading your tender request I have lifted up your precious Momma to our Lord, Savior, Messiah, and Great Physician...Yeshua/Jesus.
    Blessings and continued prayers,
    Carolynn. x x x

  21. Praying in agreement. with you for God's very best provision for your mom'

  22. I will keep her in my prayers. Best wishes to you

  23. Yes, Susan, I will pray for your mother. I pray that God will grant you those years together and that your mother begins to feel better.

  24. I will pray for your mom and you. I know this is a tough time for both of you. My dad was diagnosed with CHF and lived quite a few years (maybe 10?) with it. The cardiologist told me at that time that "you can live a long time with CHF." It does eventually zap their strength but I did have lots of good years with him before that happened. I hope that will be your situation, too. Doctors always give a "worse case scenario," I'm not sure if it's a legal issue or a "I don't want to get your hopes up and then it not work out ..." but that's been my experience of many years caring for my dad and then my mom. I hope something in this helps comfort and encourage you. Hugs ~ Mary

  25. Susan, you and your mom have my prayers. I've been praying since receiving your note earlier. My thoughts are with you. ~ sarah

  26. Hi Susan, so sorry to hear about your mum, I lost mine 14 years ago when I was 38 and she was 68, I will pray that you get to spend many more years with your mum, this is such a hard time for you but you can still have some great times with your mum Susan.

    Praying for you love Jill x

  27. I'm so sorry,Susan!All my thoughts and prayers for your mom and hope she starts feeling better.May God give you strength. Keeping you in my prayers~Poppy

  28. You can be sure you'll be in my prayers and thoughts. Please feel an arm of friendship around your shoulders.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  29. I am sending my love to you Susan and prayers for your mom. Best wishes to you.

  30. Prayers flowing from West MI. We lost my mother-in-law to congestive heart failure right before Christmas. Thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs.

  31. Susan you got my prayers. CHF can be treated medically for quite a while. I pray relief for her heart. Also strength for you. Olive

  32. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My mother died a month ago from Alzheimer's after a 5 year struggle. My 90 year old father has congestive heart failure also. He has had it for several years now. I'm sure your dr has advised you, but this is how we moniter dad. He weighs every morning. Any 3/5 lbs difference, we call the dr. (that means he is retaining water and more than likely around the heart.) They can adjust lasix (sp?) accordingly. Listen to her breathing and if normal small tasks or walking short distances makes her out of breath, more than ususal, call the dr. They can monitor this and they can live long lives with this. If you watch these couple of things it can stay really manageable. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers

  33. My ant and uncle both lived a long time after being diagnosed with CHF and died of other things. My father had alzheimers. I will pray for your Mama and hope that you have many more years together.

  34. I am praying! I was at the hospital with my mother and grandmother today, too, because they have a very virulent GI infection, and both are dehydrated. I am home tonight, and I will go back in the morning. I will pray for you, too. (I am an only child, too)...


  35. Susan,

    Praying for you and your dear mother. May you feel God's peace and comfort. {{HUGS}}

  36. You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. My dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure several years ago. He takes his medicine and is checked regularly by his doctor. He still prefers to mow his own lawn(riding mower) and a few weeks ago was trimming branches from the pear tree with a pole trimmer. He is 82.

  37. Of course I will pray for you and your Mom. I know many people who live many years with CHF, so PLEASE have hope. Take good care of yourself too. XO, Pinky

  38. Our prayers are coming your way! Enjoy every minute with your mom. Mimi

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  40. Ah, Susan. I am saddened to read this diagnosis for your mother. I am an only child, too. Please be assured that I will keep you both in my prayers.♥

  41. You bet! Sending prayers for you & your mom...

  42. Susan,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you! I will add her name to the prayer book that is taken up to the alter during Sunday masses and the whole congregation offers prayers for..


  43. Susan ~ I am sending up prayers right now and will continue to do so. I also believe that if two or more are gathered together in his name, it shall be done. I pray that you have the time you wish with your mother. Big Hugs to you.

  44. Prayers for your Mom's recovery. Will be thinking of you both.

  45. I will keep you and your Mother in my prayers. ((hugs))

  46. I know what you're going thru Susan. I'm an only too. I still have both parents, but for the past year they have had a lot of physical problems. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  47. I'm praying for you Susan that you will have many more years with your dear mother.

  48. My prayers are with you and your Mom.


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