Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fairy Garden Part 2

I decided to take some more pics of my fairy garden because a blogger
asked me where the garden was located.  I set the garden up in an old whisky
barrel.  The barrel sits on one side of my back porch opposite my herb garden.

I was inspired by this little garden fairy to construct a spot for her.

It was really fun shopping for plants and accessories.  I used Irish moss 
for the lawn and miniature phlox to resemble rose bushes. I built an arbor
and nestled it into some needle nose ivy.  I gathered up some small smooth
stones to line the pathways and added some larger river rock around the 
perimeter giving the fairies a place for sun bathing.

Bentley and I collected twigs from our walks around the neighborhood.  It took
me several hours to frame up the cottage and cut each twig to fit for siding.  I pulled
apart a pine cone to use for the shingles on the roof.

Constructing this fairy garden was the most fun I have had in a while.
Now that it is complete I keep thinking ~ what should I make next?

I am joining ~

Bentley ~ let's pack up your little duffle bag.  We are going up
to our property in the mountains this weekend to meet with the 
excavation man.  We will be building our full size cabin next.

Susan and Bentley


  1. It is truly a work of art. I am completely smitten.

  2. I love the fairy gardens that I have been seeing others blogging about too. Yours is very sweet, such a good idea to use the barrel. I think I will make one too, it will be fun to look for little things that normally would make no sense by itself but with other things collected will tell a delightful story. Thanks for sharing it and giving us inspiration to get started on ours too.

    Have a good time this weekend getting your other property started, how exciting that will be. xo

  3. Susan, Tinkerbell Cottage is precious!! Did you make it? I just love your little garden and I love Bentley too! Hi Bentley!!

  4. Hello, found your blog and truely enjoyed it. Love the Fairy garden, so sweet as is Bentley, what a face. Blessings Francine.

  5. This is absolutely adorable. LOVE it.

  6. Too cute!! Love Tink's cottage!

  7. OMG!! I LOVE this! I have to try my hand at one of these! And I adore your music!!


  8. What a beautiful fairy garden, I love the stick cottage and am inspired to "copy" that idea to add to my fairy garden.

  9. If I was tint tiny, Thats how I'd want my home to look..

    absolutely stunning , Susan.. You are so very talented.

  10. tint tiny?? I meant Tiny Tiny :-)

  11. Are we in a creative mood or what??! I love mine and spend time every day pulling of flowers that are spent and and planning..SO much fun. It's fun to know you are enjoying do it too~
    I love yours. So inventive..I am still looking at things...and trying not to get carried away..but I think it's too late. Hard to stop isn't it? :) YOU did good!

  12. I'm so glad you posted more pictures of your fairy garden. I wanted to make one with my granddaughter but somehow it hasn't happened yet. I'm working on the BIG garden outside. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm pinning this. Thanks. Linda

  13. How adorable! I love Tinkerbell's little cabin. SO cute! I hope you and Bentley enjoy your time in the mountains. I cannot wait to show these two posts to Shelley...she really wants to make a fairy garden.

  14. Simply adorable! I am pinning this as a future craft to make with my daughter. I am stopping by from Fishtail Cottage's blog hop. Thanks for sharing this and have a great weekend!

  15. So glad to see part 2 of your fairy garden. So well done!

  16. You and Bentley did a phenomenal job! It is so cute.

  17. I love the little house you constructed!!! Your fairy garden is magical, thanks for telling me about it, Laura

  18. I just bought a fairy garden!! It was a total impulse, completely frivolous, but I HAD to have it, it had a birdhouse in it!! Now it just needs a fairy... I love yours, especially the house, it's perfection!! And your fairy... I want one. :)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.