Sunday, May 27, 2012

From the Desk of Susan and Bentley: Thank You for Your Service

To all of the veterans both current and past ~

Thank you for your service!

You brave men and women have left families behind.  You have been willing
to make the greatest sacrifice to keep our nation free.  Many of you have been
scarred for life by the horrors of war.  Many of you have come home with life
changing physical injuries. You have born pains many of us civilians will
never have to know.  God bless you and thank you on this Memorial Day.
We are proud of you!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Beautiful tribute!
    Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  2. Very sweet Memorial Day tribute! :D

  3. Hi Susan abd Bentley
    Thank you for your beautiful post about our veterans.
    Happy Memorial Day to you and your family,
    Erin and Bentley

  4. Sweet post and I totally agree!!


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